
I’d say she did focus on the beliefs and attitudes that are deplorable and the people with them are necessarily deplorable as well. Her quote: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Drumpf’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic,

The law of trespass? Which traces back hundreds of years to British common law? Yeah, clearly big money interests were behind it.

well Dr. Phil does have a PhD in clinical psychology, so probably woudl have better insight into Trumps many psychological problems than Dr. Oz!

I consider them separable. Believing that the story was good to come out doesn’t change the law. There is no “you can’t break the law unless you are doing something of societal value” rule.

Good points, thanks.

I may be mis-remembering....it happens. I know I’d be messed up taking such a constant cocktail of high powered drugs though.

The correction is to say he used to be a highly respected surgeon but now is just another woo peddler.

wait, what? The amount of drugs JFK was taking is generally considered to have affected his decision making from time to time.

Feeling overheated is actually a well known pre-symptom of fainting. It is possible to truthfully say she felt overheated while the underlying cause was pneumonia

The difference is that most people don’t need her to hold a press conference every time she sneezes. You on the other hand would probably not be satisfied until you get a personal call every time she takes a shit.

Yes, but that is not really relevant to the issue at hand, is it?

While I agree with the reporter’s decision to follow in order to cover the story, you are not correct. Only one type of criminal trespass under ND statutes requires being told to leave. Other types do not.

I’m not sure you know what “literally” means

Now that we know it is pneumonia have you changed your tune, or are you holding the line forever under your bridge?

all this proves is that you not very bright to wear a suit every day in Houston.

Clinton as senator did not have the same information as Powell did. We know the CIA told the administration that the Yellowcake was nonsense. I don’t think that they told the Senators.

The only valid criticism in this email is the excessive use of exclamation points. I don’t think I’ll change my vote over it though.

Sadly, it might actually be true...John Oliver had a great segment recently about how everyone getting their “free” online news has gutted most newspapers particularly with respect to local investigative reporters.

*consensus—-must be Trump educated.

agree completely. There are a lot of things that are legal or at least hard to prove illegal, that are not savory. Take an example of the cinema going after attorney fees for the lost suit by families of the Aurora shooting victims. Completely within legal rights, but unsavory as fuck.