
Of course if we rely on that justification, how many more terrorist attacks do we need in France to justify those laws there?

“Okay, no more religion, any religion, ever.”

oh forgive me for thinking your four lengthy paragraphs were serious commentary

As someone who has studied history for a long time, that argument while logically correct is incapable of being put in actual practice. All we can do is deal with the world as it is and how to make it better for all rather than trying to redraw the map.

Maybe I’m a cultural heathan, but I don’t really get the uproar over burial grounds in general. Nobody alive knows anyone that was buried there. Along the same vein, the fighting over Kennewick Man was a scientific travesty.
Here in San Francisco, half the city seems to be built on top of a cemetery and if you go and

Were they bit on private land? I think the laws vary quite a bit on what force you are allowed to use against trespassers. Doesn’t make them right, but since in many western states you can shoot a trespasser, it doesn’t mean they did something illegal

technically, they still came from somewhere. Native Americans didn’t evolve here.

But note it looks like she sued The Mail in MD, not in the UK.

any duller than with anyone at burning man?

I agree with you that there is no real program for rehabilitation in our system. We will either need to create one or just decide that anyone convicted is going to be a lifetime criminal by the time they get out of their long prison term. You can guess which choice is more likely to occur.

I do think we are unlikely

Correct. Most serve about 1/2 of their sentence if they have good behavior.

I agree with you that removing this one judge, while concerning from a judicial independence standpoint, is enough of an unique case that it is unlikely to lead to a chilling of judges. However, from reading articles on the judge’s sentencing history, minorities do benefit from his “benevolence”. He sentences most

What is the average sentence for felony DV? You are almost always going to get a lower sentence as a thank you for not having a trial.

it increases their leverage if not their discretion.

90% of everyone of every color pleads down to a lesser crime/agreement on a lower sentence. FTFY

This...and that is coming from a rabid doctor who fan that would love to see Gillan get all the roles out there.

We are calling al queda “fascists” now?

I think the one with a weak desperate reply is the troll. You will never get out of your mom’s basement with that mouth.

Well, if you looked at their site, the ratings are an evaluation of the charity’s fiscal responsibility not a measure of relative worthiness of the particular causes. Instead, the focus is on how much of the yearly expenses are actually spent on the charitable activities rather than, for example, overhead, as well as

why should you be allowed to see those email?

The situation is distinguishable from Petraeus. Your knowledge of the law seems to be worse than your knowledge of digital communications infrastructure.