
The lady doth protest too much, methinks

What’s depressing is that she wasn’t yet 18 when she wrote this in 2004. Get off my lawn!

Yet all the instances we have seen reported on so far were managed through her staff, which used department of state emails, which were not kept on her server. Deleting her emails doesn’t work when there are copies on all the servers that were origins or destinations of the emails. Nobody teaches anything in school

Where did I say there is no official log of every visit? In fact I said the opposite. Maybe check your reading comprehension before calling someone “stupid”?

Her “hard drives” do not store who she met or did not meet with. Do you think she managed her own calendar? I know she had the word “secretary” in her title, but come on...

His favorability is mixed around here, but Dan Savage wrote about this today. The concluding points:

Haven’t you folks reached your quota yet on Weiner stories?

what are these links supposed to show? Or maybe more specifically, what in your mind do they show?

“ do you really think the Clinton Foundation is doing either more effective or more important charitable work than the Red Cross?” That is not how charities are rated, so maybe do a little research first before commenting?

Really? Did our arms sales to Saudi Arabia change materially after the donation relative to the last decade?

Her official calendar was kept on “wiped hard drives” or do you really just not know how anything works?

yet only a minuscule number of people representing foreign governemnts she met with overall

Well it was a trump supporter he was sexting with and who released the photos.

Weiner clearly has problems and I say good for Abedin. However, the posts on this topic also seem to ignore that this is basically the definition of revenge porn (particularly in California where the sexting partner is from)

You seem to assume that this isn’t exactly the type of person Trump wants on his team.

are they tacky in part because we’ve been conditioned to see plain marble as more aesthetically desirable?

I didn’t know the ancient Greeks made statues of Augustus...

Next you will tell me that carrying around an egg in school doesn’t work either. There goes my youth.

I don’t think that is correct. It is only income to her if it is alimony. If it is a property settlement, which is what it looks like, it would not be taxable income to her nor would it be a deduction to him. In that case, she would owe zero in taxes if she donated. Her only downside in that situation is limitations

The problem is that they agreed upon a settlement of $7m. Amber can do what she pleases with that $7m including donating it to charity. However, because Depp is trying to donate to charity directly, he is effectively only paying $3.5 million for the settlement, which wasn’t the agreement. Even if she donated it all,

Absolutely. I was mostly focused on the implications for Amber if it were settlement vs. support payments. Depp gets a deduction if it is alimony and gets a deduction by paying directly to charity (you are right that they are different types of deductions, the point simply being that he benefits in either case).
