
targeting only a limited audience is also a sure way to make a movie flop

Well there is disruptive and there is all out fraud.

To me, I guess I’d say the crime/invasion of privacy occurred, but there is no one to complain about it because they don’t know. I don’t think the statutes require any knowledge on the part of the victim.

but was it a crime in the 70's?

The idea that tech men are penalized for taking leave is interesting. Working at a major law firm I thought you couldn’t get more old school workaholic...but I did (and was encouraged to) take my full two months off (fully paid) for paternity leave

“you people”? Now you have gone full Berniebro

the quote is pretty clear on its face, I can’t help it if you have trouble parsing it.

Everyone is referring to them as either hecklers or protesters. Namely people disrupting an even to shout in a forum that did not invite such shouting. It doesn’t matter if he is president or not, they are hijacking a speech from the other attendees that came to listen to the person at the podium not a yelling

You seem to confuse support with “all of them supported” when does all of any group support anything? If the CBC supported it, do they not constitute a de facto majority of black leaders since they are the black representation in congress? Is a majority needed? Obviously, the issues were more aligned with those in

How is this really any different than how Obama deals with hecklers? He doesn’t give them free reign to hijack a speech.

Sure, if you ignore the fact that the pastors and mayors were responding to concerns of their communities and that they were influential enough to change the view of congresspeople on the bill. Just curious, are you old enough to remember the state of urban crime in the early 90's? Clinton said that he talked to a lot

Maybe read the quote above again? He didn’t say that BLM was the danger. He said not listening to each other was the danger, which you have now emphasized spectacularly

that Bernie voted for. That the Congressional Black Caucus supported. That black pastors and Mayors around the country pushed for. Yup, all racist.

Well for one thing he got the Congressional Black Caucus to support the bill. As head of the Black Caucus Rep Mfume (Baltimore) was reported as saying: Mr. Mfume said support for the crime bill by the Black Caucus isn’t just a favor for Mr. Clinton. “We have put our stamp on this bill,” he said, referring to

well Bernie said he voted for it because it had violence against women protections, so do you think he sacrificed generations of black people’s liberties for that? I don’t think anyone really knew of all the impacts at the time, otherwise explain the strong support for it by black leaders at the time?

I really don’t have much of a problem with it either. Of course he is going to defend Hillary and of course he is going to defend his legacy. At the same time, he’s completely correct that to get a bill through congress with stuff he wanted he was going to have to give some stuff the Republicans wanted as well. Once

What part of the target audience being NYC residents do you continue to have trouble with? Because, really, everyone else gets the meaning of the question.

ok, so if Bernie was giving an interview to your hometown paper the subway wouldn’t be relevant. He was interviewing with a New York City daily. I think it is understandable that they would ask something relevant to their primary audience. Your argument is like saying the “how much is a gallon of milk?” standard

the target audience was NYCity. This is the NYC equivalent question (as noted in many papers covering the interview). I don’t think it is a particularly important question, but it’s purpose is pretty clear.

You did, but thanks for admitting your inability to present a coherent argument.