
And yet both she and Bill remained wildly popular with people of color. Also doesn’t change the fact that she had no actual power to implement the bill that Sanders actually voted for. If the bill was racist in its impact than Sanders is also a racist.

Protip 1: When arguing that blacks aren’t a monolith don’t argue they will support Bernie as a monolithic block in the upcoming states.

Protip 2: Don’t assume the racial background of anonymous people on the internet.

“Not to mention her straight up 2008 racism against Obama. Never change.” And yet Obama named her Secretary of State

can you point me to the vote Hillary made that turned the crime bill into law? Oh wait, she wasn’t a member of congress then. The only one that actually influenced its passage was Bernie.

I guess since you are black you are free to belittle them and their experience by telling them why they voted. The only “telling you about black people” is yourself. The data so far doesn’t support your arguments. For example, in South Carolina Clinton won 86 percent of the black vote.

though he did say that he rode the subway the previous year (a decade after token were gone). It may not be generically one of the people, but it is relevant to New Yorkers...which is where he was talking in preparation for the NY primary.

I didn’t know statistics erased your voice as a person. Better watch out for any discussion of demographics then. You think the blacks in the south only voted for her because of name recognition? Not because Sanders has failed to make inroads to the community? Bernie has overwhelmingly found support (read wins) in

and in 1972 Clinton was working undercover to investigate segregation academies. Seems like a pretty long term commitment too. Before I was born even.

well sacrificing people of color explains why none of them are voting for him

Sure they do...Congress has it’s own subway.

what is scary is that he sounds about as knowledgeable (if less egotistical) as Drumph

the point is whether or not they are to disconnected from everyday people. That is why they always ask candidates how much a gallon of milk costs. I think it is relevant when you are running a campaign based on being one of the people.

this is all true, but at least Warren seems to speak in specifics.

It is amazing seeing the level of mental gymnastics employed to justify his past votes. I also like you post a lengthy screed and then be all “I don’t really have anything else to say to you as you clearly aren’t willing to engage with any real criticism of your candidate.”
I don’t recall identifying “my” candidate.

that is a terrible excuse. “This bill will do lots of horrible things, but I guess I’ll vote for it since it tagged on some language” So much for principles.

It isn’t that he just doesn’t understand the repercussions, it was that he basically said “I’ll break them up” without having any idea or plan as to how to accomplish his primary domestic priority. It shows he is big on grand ideas but not detail oriented

The crime bill that Sanders actually voted for?

yet minority turnout for Bernie is vastly lower than that for Hillary

VT does have very lax gun laws and is an above average exporter of guns that are used in crimes in states where gun control is more strict. I think Trump is more pro gun control than Bernie.

I would never go to a chiropractor because their use is not supported by scientific evidence. The use of a physical therapist is. The only think that chiropractic treatment has shown evidence of helping with in a scientific study is lower back pain. However, the results were no better than alternative treatments e.g.,