
“We hold Jeb ! accountable for his brother’s crimes”
Says who? Noting that Jeb wants to use the same advisers as his brother and carry out the same policies is not the same as holding him accountable for his brother’s actions.

“Ask anyone in D.C., and they’ll all tell you that both Bill and Hillary had women they kept on the side” Yeah, I asked this homeless dude I found on the Mall and they totally told me the same thing. By the way, I didn’t know we are just about to elect our first lesbian president. Awesome.

I actually think it is technically sedition. They haven’t really threatened or harmed civilians which is a hallmark of defining terrorism. They are targeting the government, so it is sedition. It probably isn’t treason because they can’t realistically levy war against the U.S.

As a native Oregonian, this is actually the only thing that annoys me. We don’t say “y’all”. This is the Northwest not the South.

to be fair, it is “Glamour” magazine, not “serious women’s issues” magazine

well, you are half right, she does seem like a nice person. Still, nobody deserves the Pap.

and if he believes he is innocent, he can sue her.

yeah, but also don’t underestimate the ability of enlisted seamen to keep things hidden from the “sirs”

you mean like Jefferson?

Well, that is part of it, but not all of the message. It is more fundamentally a meditation on the nature of totalitarianism and how willing everyday people are to go along with it. As io9’s review concluded “Ultimately, The Man In The High Castle is about the limits that people will endure in the name of peace and

ok, my position is that you completely misrepresented my original comment and have followed up with passive aggressive silliness. Of course, reading back and inferring your age I see why you are focused on childish dialogue. Come back when you are a grown up.

if that is the case, you will really miss out on some very important commentary...and is also really well made.

I think it is well documented that Romans often assigned legions raised from one province to far flung regions (so less likely to be involved in rebellion where loyalties might be divided). Always felt sorry for the folks used to much more hospitable climates being sent to Britain. We have soldier letters asking for

Is it irony when using ad hominem, the main argument of a child, to argue that someone else is a child?

Oh yes, clearly they are talking all about Imperial Japan. That is why the headline of this story is “nazi symbols”
By the way, you might learn that calling someone a troll isn’t an actual argument nor is saying “fuck off” to anyone that disagrees with you. If you can’t tolerate differing opinions the internet might

there is no swastika here though, right? I mean it is like you didn’t even look at the pictures before commenting.

why is it unimportant? Also, why the outrage at this but not the imperial Japanese flag on the other side of the car?

you mean fake nazi imagery promoting a show that shows how easy totalitarianism could take hold in the US? I think people should be forced to stew in a train car and think about that before deciding to vote for Trump.

inventing quotations to fit your own narrative is also a bold stance to take in a public space occupied by an adult.

I see people saying this, but haven’t found anything authoritative. It is obviously a play off the Reichsadler, but modified. The use of an eagle like that goes back 2000 years and up to the present day. Is this combination of eagle and cross an actual used nazi symbol?