
though we know movies rarely resemble the corresponding books.

A lot of confirmation bias at play by the “pro life” folks

“Our Dad has shown us how to be compassionate and how to care for people.”
I feel very sorry for these kids.

Can we also discuss how corn syrup isn’t any less healthy than plain sugar?

After years of drinking diet coke daily I decided to quit and see what happened. Nothing happened. So now I have an occasional one and don’t worry about it.

“Via Dr. Mercola” —- hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha

because individuals don’t get to determine what laws are just or unjust. That would lead to anarchy if endorsed generally.

So Roman Polanski was right to flee the country? Sure, people will act in their self-interest but we shouldn’t indicate that this is somehow ok or even noble to do so.

if he had only released information about spying on US citizens that arguably was an infringement on civil rights, then I think most people would say the benefit to the public outweighed the illegality of his actions. But he went far beyond that, and for that reason I don’t think he should get a deal.

There are some pretty nasty criminals how fled the country that would probably agree with this statement too, it isn’t a very black and white issue

Of course that moral authority also had a child from his slave...

and if that is all he released a lot of people would probably feel less strongly about his actions

How it typically works is you get a premade collection of images that have been labeled and use that as your training set. Is the premade collection of images representative? That depends and my not be. However, the test set is unlikely to cover all possible lighting and positioning possibilities, so the learning

It may be the simplistic sense, but your answer seems to suggest you don’t actually understand how machine learning algorithms work.

Yes probably. You typically train a machine learning classifier from a set of known labeled items. This set is small compared to the variety of images out there and recognition is a difficult task. I’m sure that is mislabels other items, this one just happened to be pretty unfortunate.

I believe their apology is sincere and that they will work to correct the problem. However, “involved in something racist” seems to impute some sort of intent and I think it is clear there wasn’t any here. It is a computer vision problem.

but is this the exception that breaks the rule of the earlier article on Rolling Stone covers...she is wearing both a shirt and a bra.

Seems like it really depends on the context and whether it is part of the story they are trying to tell. Opera is full of women treated poorly. Saw Two Women a couple weeks ago and it prominently features the rape of a title character in the first act during a WWII air raid.

I live sadly close to Marin CA where parents won’t even give their newborns the Vitamin K shot.