
He seems to be getting more and more erratic. So does Thomas.

They give governmental power in the same way trespassing laws give governmental power. It may be true in a odd sense, but it really isn’t what people usually mean by governmental power. We mean power exercised by the government itself.

The exceptions to the copyright laws (some of which are very messed up) are what allowed the use of the content, so in reality it is a limit on the privatization of IP, which seems to be part of what you want.

I’m not sure there is alcohol strong enough to put in the flask!

“Last week, while reporting a longer story, I had the distinct pleasure of joining hundreds of libertarian-leaning fundamentalists at the Great Homeschool Convention outside LA”

the only thing I think I could have handled better as a 20 something is the lack of sleep the first month...at 37 it is not as easy. Good thing is that period is pretty short.

though I’m occasionally depressed by the realization that I’ll be nearing retirement age when my son gets out of college

the part of trying to figure out how there is any tin foil to cover my leftovers after you apparently bought out the entire national supply.

I see what you mean, though I think the push to label it as such is more motivated by other politics (e.g., indicating that muslims aren’t the only terrorists) rather than the case at hand. It still seems to be a broadening of the traditional definition of terrorism. Nobody calls Manson a terrorist. He is just a

wait, what?

ok then Charles Manson was also a terrorist. And just about every other murder where there is some abstract hope. He did it because he hates blacks, not because he hoped to force the government to change its practices. If English isn’t my first language, what is your excuse for not knowing what the definition of

Even though that is a path of robbing the word of it’s meaning. Terrorism is politically motivated violence. To call this terrorism basically makes any murder a terrorist act completely negating the definition of the word.

why do people insist on calling this a “terrorist” attack. It was a hate filled dude that attacked a bunch of people because they were black. We don’t need to yell terrorism to make it more horrible.

and there you are being an asshole. Just because someone has a different point of view. Always glad there is friendly discourse to be had online.

I don’t really disagree with you at all. You are right, life is not without risk and can’t be made so. Be we can also avoid actively exposing ourselves to risk, especially when you are not just risking oneself. In my youth I was willing to take more risks than I should have. Once I got married I dialed it back because

luckily, most people are vaccinated against tetanus...at least until the anti-vaxxers kill us all.

unless you get a smallpox vaccine, which luckily most won’t have to worry about.

there are advocates who are very adamant about no brie (or sushi) even though the risks are extremely low.

“Teeth do not “often” cause bleeding nipples.”

A risk you don’t need to worry about is not the same as a judge needing to weight the risks of harm (and likelihood) vs. the risk and harm of not breastfeeding for a period of time. Most people err on the side of caution in those situations even when risks are low if the potential harm is great. As someone else