
I’m only emphasizing that extreme because you seem very capable of assessing mathematical probability but you continually ignore the potential degree of harm. Both factors are necessary in the analysis not just one.

you do understand the difference between activities between consenting parties and activities when cannot consent? Let’s look at it another way, if you know you were potentially exposed to HIV would you have sex with your partner without telling them?

While the tests are not conclusive for Hep at that stage, better source material than the original link indicated the judge was persuaded by the fact that she was still in the false negative window for the HIV test. By the way, teeth often cause bleeding nipples..

And if you are wrong, the baby dies. If you are right, there is little harm in saying “wait a while”. Judges are people and can rule based in part on an emotional component even if mathematics says go ahead. If the infant was younger, the judge might have put more weight on the value of breast feeding into the

but they don’t use new needle casings, which have to be sterilized in an autoclave. However, go look at the health department inspections and you will see that about have have violations in their yearly inspection.

The problem I have with the car trip analogy is it is the same one that gun nuts use about gun control. Cars are more dangerous and more people die in car crashes, therefore ban cars not guns. The problem is the cars have other utility. But that is a discussion for another day!

women never have bloody nipples when breastfeeding, especially after teething. Still, the likelihood of Hep would appear to be very very low. Regardless, as better articles on this story have cleared up the judge was concerned about HIV because she is in the false positive window for testing.

“Suppose your partner gets a tattoo and has a negative HIV test 4 weeks later. Is it still unsafe to engage in sexual activity?” Technically you are still in the false negative window. An adult may be willing to take that risk. The infant cannot make that decision. It isn’t just risk in terms of probability that comes

Sounds like you are the one making assumptions here. Does the average customer inspect the autoclave upon entering a tattoo parlor? You know you can’t necessarily see that things aren’t sterilized correctly.

And they never fail to do so right? And nobody ever gets food poisoning either. First result on my Google search was an investigative local news report in Wisconsin where seven of 13 tattoo parlors had violations in their once a year inspection for not maintaining proper sterilization procedures.

never seen so much apologist BS in my life.

good job Justice Thomas. Four words I never thought I would say.

Nobody says you have to live by anyone’s rules. Similarly, nobody has to take you seriously.

but the judge has to weight risks and consequences. He said he was weighing the benefit of breast feeding for an 11 mo old (important but not essential at that point) and the lifelong consequences of HIV. Though the likelihood was small the consequences of getting it wrong are very large. I think most judges would err

You might want to look up how to use Cap Locks.

thought it is inconclusive w/r/t Hep C...and anyone who has breast fed also knows that cracked nipples (or those bitten by the new teeth) provides a real risk of blood transference as well. However, reading some better source material in Australia, the main concern appeared to be HIV for which she was still within the

relying on published materials from the BF association is not the same as “an actual licensed practicing medical doctor has already advised the court on this” The doctor quoted did not testify before the court on the specific case at issue. Do you comprehend that?

and they are coming around on that outdated prohibition due to better understanding of HIV and better testing. However, tests are not perfect early on so there is a real false negative window.