
that's Baby Frank Sinatra, i.e., Dad

"most likely" does not equal "are"

could you pat yourself on the back more?

You can't separate it but you can't define it by it either. Look, I'm a yankee to the core, but broad knee jerk reactions to everything are not useful or accurate.

so the 1/3 of families that owns slaves made up all of the upper and middle classes?

However, the context you gave was to directly associate wrap around porches and debutante balls with slavery even though they do not have any direct correlation. There is no evidence that this was as photo shoot on a "plantation." All the article actually says is that Southern Belle comes from Antebellum and they had

I didn't see any evidence that it was shot on a plantation. It is a house with a porch.

now you are the one painting with a broad brush. You will note I said they were complicit, however, painting everyone as a slave owner is factually wrong.

likely but not completely true, in fact there were black slave owners.

always here to help

better throw ford in with that then too

only plantations have wrap around porches in the south? And since when is "debutante" have anything to do with slavery? They have debutante balls in the North here in the present (not to mention in Europe)


and that is just nonsensical

You are a very charming individual.

doubling down on the ad hominem huh? By resorting to ad hominem arguments you have already lost the discussion no matter how much census data you can paste.

so you disagree and have to resort to an ad hominem, I guess we are done here.

there is criticism and there is irate spittle driven screaming at clouds. You can guess which is more productive.

I would imagine that someone has done a photo shoot at Mt. Vernon before.

It is a house, an inanimate object. It doesn't embody the people who lived there before nor their deeds. There shouldn't be any guilt in owning a house.