
Your intent was to be obnoxious, yes we all understood that.

actually, the source article was only talking about the roots of the term Southern Belle and the characteristics of such a person throughout history. So aside from everyone reading way too much into the story as somehow being nostalgic toward slavery, they did a photo shoot at plantations because they are scenic and

they aren't supposed to be wearing southern clothes.

I'm not defending the writing, which is poor, but they are saying where the idea of the cultured southern woman originated and continues on about the personalities of such women and not about the time period. The writer continues "Like the debutantes of yesteryear, the authenticity and allure still ring true today.

I'm referring to the 2/3rds of the population that weren't slave owners, merchants, lawyers, doctors, politicians, etc. There weren't really that many plantation owners.

There are plenty of Indians and Irish alive who were subjugated by the British. Clearly we should refuse to associate with anything British. And guess what, people can still find people less than two generations ago gassed in Germany but we don't have a problem with buying BMW's or Mercedes cars.

your deranged screaming was the disproportionate part. Your continued disconnect from rational thought though is entertaining

so if you read the actual article, it doesn't say they are dressed like women of the pre-civil war south, they are just trying to make some association to the idea of the southern woman.

disproportionate rage much?

Plantation owners weren't the only ones of social status in the south, but keep painting with your overly broad brush

As a European you are using the general definition of antebellum which just means a period before a war, however, in the US it has a particular connection to the Southern US between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War

you saw the part about "complicity" right? Thought I don't think many women went and fought.


To be fair to Jason, 2/3's of southern families did not own any slaves. I'm sure they were complicit in the system, but I also agree that it is a stretch to directly link all women of the time period, even women of status, to slave owners.

all of these posters that can recall salient features of law school make me feel really old.

the current rate is about 3500/wk for a top tier firm

Most judges I know spend all their time trying to change laws, it's no big deal :P

I think you see that the difference between the laws in MA vs. DC. Upskirt photos are banned in DC, but the guy didn't take any of those. Having consistent laws across states like those of DC would seem like a good start to me.

There is a clear problem with drafting statutes that cover creepy invasive behavior without being overly broad. There is no way something with the breadth of "don't take picture without consent" would pass muster. As you noted statutory language is hard, but I have a hard time coming up with something better than the

that is an interesting definition. Wouldn't' that mean you could wear blackface in another country that didn't treat them bad historically?