
It is really just a standard baseline legal maneuver. While the guy is a horrible person who is pretty obviously guilty, everyone initially pleads not guilty.

Wait, what kind of finance guy brags about making 32k in two months? That's not even 200k a year, which is nothing to sneeze at for most people but pocket change in finance. I though finance guys didn't brag unless they made that much a day. Or maybe I watched too much Wolf of Wall Street?

it is ok for people to have differing opinions as to what is and is not funny. Carlin was not funny to you, but was funny to many others.

unfortunately, as terrible as these people are, porn companies usually know their law.

She had a great run, but her arms just couldn't span the distance to support her. Not sure what the title is about blaming "slippery" walls?

I should have used the word "criminal" it isn't criminal. You have a tort but you can't throw the photog in jail. A hacker you can.

It is different than the scenario you offer because hacking is illegal. Using a zoom lens (not trespassing to do so) is perfectly legal if uber creepy.

Ok, but why take pride in putting out obviously false stories as fact? Just because it is funny? Since you follow Cracked you know this is a big problem in general with places that at least have the illusion of being journalistic entities. If you want to be funny write for a humor site...like Cracked.

Ok, the question is then, why?

War Machine, is that you?

I think both you and burps25 make good points. In other areas we do common sense things to reduce the risk of person and property. I look before I enter a crosswalk even though the cars are supposed to stop and they would be at fault if they hit me. At the same time, you can be smart and bad things can still happen to

I'd wager that most college sex occurs with both parties at varying levels of intoxication.

"One, you should be worried about offering her a beer because you're underage and so is she, probably. " Because obviously nobody drinks underage in college

VH1 is on cable, they can show nudity if they want to. The FCC has no say as contrasted with the Janet Jackson fiasco.

Any more information on the 911 call mentioned? Do they have a recording of the assault? Did they send out police immediately? Didn't 'war machine' notice an active 911 call when he used her phone to go through her social media accounts? Something seems a little weird there.

I have a friendly adversarial relationship with those beagles. They are always after my cheese and meats.

I'm not going to say your point is not well taken. However, I doubt that this was the problem the complainers specifically had judging from the content.

These parents probably wouldn't take their child to an art museum. Too smutty.

The sense I get is that they just say "which of our publications do we have way to many copies of this month" and shipped it without even looking at the cover.