
well, if I'd received that one as a young teen I probably wouldn't have gone out in public for a while afterwards..

also, dialogue that spans more than one sentence.

That is Bacall's actual voice.


That is true, but there is really no reason to be afraid of radiation unless you are taking a beach vacation at Fukishima.

Oil is radioactive now?

"You think freaking out about radiation is silly?" - I for one, do think it is silly.

I didn't know that angels sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

beige is not jaundiced

I'd hate to live in a world where anything Sparks writes about is "real"

Or Coincidence.

actually, a lot of people use airport codes as shorthand for cities, it isn't so terrible. Especially not compared to Frisco.

can you be more specific?

No, you must share my opinion or else you are [insert hyperbolic insult here]

I'm a bit hesitant to change works of art to fit later views. Otherwise we'd be rewriting a lot of classical literature.
I'm from very liberal San Francisco. Nobody is trying to change the production of Madame Butterfly which makes Perry's geisha fiasco seem trivial in comparison.
My point, though heavily obscurred

It is simply an example, but Opera is filled with stereotypes. Puccini is probably the worst offender, e.g., off the top of my head: Egyptians (Aida), Japanese (Butterfly), vague mysterious asians (Turandot), Californians (La fanciulla) — all Puccini. You can also add in Huns/Germans (Attila), Persians (Xerxes),

I've tried to be polite, and you can see that clearly in the above comments, but everyone has their limit. You attacked me instead of the argument. That is ad hominem. Perhaps you should look it up. While you are at it, you can add false equivalency since you don't seem to understand that term either.

Yes, I find that thin considering the whole Ancient Egyptian motif...but I also don't think it is really appropriation, just mummies that look that way

You also have to get rid of most Opera.... Madame Butterfly anyone?

It seems more that Ms. Perry's shtick just lacks creativity rather than it be appropriation.