
Tone deaf is exactly the description. “We won’t sign Kap. We won’t let players kneel without repercussions. But we’ll give you a guy who tries to appropriate black culture and who was a spineless, dickless, asshat when it came to Janet Jackson.” What the fuck is the NFL thinking?

Haha, cute. I work in this industry. Literally none of my industry friends were surprised by news of Weinstein’s abuses. Not because they necessarily knew first-hand, but because it’s so commonplace and Weinstein is just the tip of the iceberg. Stating this fact does not in any way diminish the fact that more

Sigh. You weren’t the “first model” , you were the “before” photo.

EXACTLY! They lionized Dr. King to make white people look good and white people HATED him. He was BLM before BLM. They try to defang everything we do and try to look virtuous while doing it. At this point I hope we’re in a position to rain terror on these feckless fools that they would pray for the days of kneeling.

They’ll inevitably talk about how the next generation of protesters “should do it respectfully like Kaepernick did” as if this demonization never happened.

And in 10-20 years white folks are going to be all like “I can’t believe that happened!”. Every fucking time they exclaim the same horse shit instead of asking what the fuck can they do to prevent this stuff right now. What are they doing right now. They are doing this and the ones who disagree fall silent and don’t

Patriotism at its finest. They want these same abused citizens to stand for this shitty ass flag that to date chooses when to protect them, and at what lengths to represent them. I dont and have never owned a flag. The people make a country not a flag

Remember, you are not allowed to fight back as “the dog” bites you - Merica’

That is what I’m thinking after all of the articles I have read over the past year or so. The Asian-Americans feel like they are being discriminated against because they aren’t always getting accepted into Ivy League schools with high test scores and gpa’s. It seems like they would be perfectly content with only

Uh-oh, an international university where only 49.1% of the incoming freshman are white... clearly there must be something afoot.

Oh, that’s right: admin, admin, admin, buildings, grounds, and labs (where the full-time professors really work, not teaching many if any classes).

Le sigh...Jenifer Lewis...

Unpopular opinion: George Clooney is not all that handsome and seems like a complete dick with his love of practical jokes. And now this pear-shaped, potato-faced wang—who everyone inexplicably insists is the ultimate catch—is calling his son a “thug” and his daughter “elegant”? George Clooney sucks, people.

No, I’m talking about Taylor “there’s a special place in hell for women who bring down other women” (because Tina Fey made a joke about her), “It’s unlike you to pit women against each other.” (because Nicki Minaj thought she deserved a nomination over her), “I’m doing this for all women who can’t speak out” (after

Stacey Dash.

This was me editing this post:

Famous Rebas: Amy Schumer. Lena Dunham. Jezebel readers.

Jezebel readers.

White women who work at “non-profits.”

Jezebel readers.