
Also, how am I back in the grays? Will someone seriously let me freaking comment freely without being pushed here? Jezebel, can you just follow me already? I have been commenting forever and cannot seem to make it out of grays. At least I had 3 hours I guess.

This is sad. I truly hope this guy gets what he deserves. He just had to show that woman who was in charge. /s

She is so damn sweet. I love this kid and I remember how excited I was to read at her age. This makes me happy :)

I hope you get ungrayed too. It might help to ask on a newer post? I don't know, I have been waiting for some time and finally got out.

No problem :) I think it is about time for people who constantly provide critical commentary to be seen! And seen often.

I hope you get out of the grays! I love your comments. You are not gray right now, but I don't know if that is a kinja thing.

I hope our pleas will be heard because this grays stuff is getting ridiculous. I just want to comment about things like this and it gets swallowed. I actually thought you were already followed by Jezebel because every time I see your comments, you are not gray. I guess your comments got it like :)

Now we know since he 'resigned' he will find another way to make money whether that is working with other police forces or with fox news. I am sure there are plenty of racist cops that will be glad to hire an upstanding citizen such as himself. /s

I thought I was the only one who grew up eating it like that. And you are the only person (other than myself) who has used the word chili mac. I don't feel alone in the world anymore :)

Brown face for tax purposes? What has the world come to?

Oh you :)

I really wasn't going to respond but here goes. I never said that violent protests were the answer. After hundreds of years of Black oppression and peaceful protests without justice for Black people it is understandable why this is happening. I will say one last time that MLKjr was peaceful and he was murdered. It

So this murder was for a mark like that? Yep sir re bob, AMerika!

Part of my point is if Black people keep showing peace and we get no justice, should we keep doing the same thing? You don't get a different result with the same tactic. It really is that simple. Living your life peacefully with the fear of unjustified death isn't what Black people should ever face. The systemic

It won't stop me :) but I am definitely terrified. I have to be careful to teach my future kids to take care of themselves while teaching them the horrors of this country so that they will be prepared. I just don't know sometimes; it is another chance to get it right, but for whom? Black people? We have been trying

My point is it doesn't matter if Black people are peaceful. It didn't work for MLKjr and it doesn't work now. Using peaceful protests against people who don't value Black people as humans means nothing in the long term. It is a lose lose situation. Black people can be peaceful or they can riot, racists as cops and

It is not about what drives whites away. It is about Black folks and their struggles in this country. In fact white people should be protesting too. However, most people will find this as a Black issue in the end.

I get it peaceful protests are important. But really O_0? are we serious because we keep doing that and not a damn thing has changed. Hell MLKjr did that and he still got murdered. Being peaceful doesn't always help people burn off the decades of injustice on Black people. This meant a lot to people because in many

I figured all the Black folk knew this was going to happen. I guess we have no humanity. We will all wake up and go to work with knowing what we always knew, fuck the police.

Are we really surprised they used her sexual history to discredit her? They do the same damn things to Black men to justify why the deserve to die. If that tactic works so much on the mainstream, it is not a surprise they would do it here. Its f'ed up all around.