
Because until 60 years ago, they were actively, legally treated as an entire separate community, and for the last 60 years, remnants of that system have persisted, cloaking themselves in new garb, dogwhistles, and bullshit rhetoric.

So it’s gotta be either Joe Mangianello or Jason Momoa that’s going to add this stinker to their resume, right?

That makes - rather than undermines - the point the OP was making.

Given that, why post what you did? You clearly knew the poster was making a larger point about violence against women, and you clearly agree with that larger point, so why troll SO hard?

How are the statistics on shootings and stabbings, beatings, assaults, rapes, screaming profanity at, stalking, and the like?


I was just saying the other day that they ought to bring it back. In the 90s, it was looked down on from a “same price, but fewer ingredients! What a rip-off!” standpoint. Now, a lot of people eschew artificial colors and such, and those people will embrace it.

To be fair, this child’s future was dead before he was born.

“They just want to use these words. ‘That’s racist. That’s sexist. That’s prejudice.’ They don’t even know what they’re talking about.”

I got it. I was just playing along, although it was a spectacular failure.

Who’s Duane Reade? Is he in the Arcade Fire?

You really think people here wouldn’t recognize Duane Allman?

“After withdrawal subsided and his new life began (Equinox!), he grapples with what every smoker truly dreads—a world once in smoky Technicolor now drained back to whatever all the boring regular non-smoky colors are”

Yeah, boring shit like actually being able to smell and taste things. That’s for the birds!

When I saw the first episode of GoT, and Kit Harington first came on-screen, I said “well, there goes Orlando Bloom’s career.”

You’re a sociopath. Get help.

He could have taken her ANYWHERE and the result would have been the same.

He picked up on the clues. He chose to ignore them, because he feels like she owes it to him because he is attracted to her.

No one needs to see ANY of your pictures.

“False,” meaning “Romney didn’t know for sure the kid was gay, so he was just punishing the kid for daring to stray from what Romney thought of as permissible masculine behavior and style.”

He frickin’ admitted to the bullying.

#9 always tasted like cardboard to me. #9 : fruit beer :: Blue Moon : witbier.

Except you often don’t know there isn’t a changing table until it’s too late, especially in the men’s room.

Well, it’s not hard if there is a changing table. It’s hard if the only surface is the sticky, vaguely wet floor.

To be clear: you still don’t change your kid on the fucking table.