
For my sistas in the Bay Area, UCSF has the Black Wellness Clinic which has all Black providers, staff and students.

RIP Ms. Cara; I knew you well.

...whether the comments were appropriate given he was deceased.

Right. So, she is enthusiastic and high energy. What’s the problem with that? It’s a pretty odd choice for this writer and this website to choose to not cover Kamala Harris at all. It is odder still to choose this juvenile TheBlaze.com style of coverage when you deign to remember a woman is VP. She was in Georgia,

Exactly! They vote their interests and its always gonna be about maintaining the systems of oppression & white white supremacy - they benefit from it. Only the deluded ones among us keep hoping & expecting some kind of white female solidarity. Ain't  gonna happen!

Their take on crime is bullshit. Every time the cons talk about “tough on crime” what they really mean is “tough on negroes.”

Because as much as white women talk about how oppressed they are by white men they still vote with white men. They have been doing this consistently. They are benefiting from their proximity to white men.

Because white women are always gonna white women. 

“They might be dating. They might just be having platonic dinners ending with a limo ride. Either way, throw the suitcase on the bed; we have a lot to unpack.”

It wasn’t just the far right/MAGA crowd that was after her, Tiffany Cross also called out the Democratic party when they did shit: she threw some hard questions at DNC chairman Jaimie Harrison during his last appearance.

I’m getting a flashback of Melissa Harris-Perry and how she was booted from MSNBC. (Her show was great I loved it) This is a pattern and it’s not a good look for MSNBC.

Schumer has never been funny.

What do humor and a uterus have in common? Amy Schumer lacks both.

Her face disturbs my spirit...

Anybody meeting with Musk, whose family got their wealth from aoartheid, thinking he’s going to back down from white nationalism, is a fool. But i guess you have to make appearances first

Right? Jesus, like goddamn, way to make an “apology” 1,000 times worse. What a fucking asshole.

Uh Candace Honey you must know some different Wypipo, because I can promise none of the ones I know give a shit. Trust me I know quite a few and ain’t none of them thinking about Tom & Gisele.

Exactly. It’s going to become a bigger cesspool than it already is with the “free speech absolutist” censoring anyone who drags his manky ass for filth while he allows every white supremacist, Nazi POS with a bigoted ax to grind run amok while the rest of us are told to play nice.

Not even her edges want her

If you fill out a voter registration form and the state signs off on it, they should not be allowed to arrest you for voting.