
If these asinine clowns would actually put in the work to live up to the statements they make every time there is publicly outed racism instead of just making a boilerplate statement and moving on, perhaps there would be meaningful change. I am so sick of bullshit.

“Those weren’t whips! They were extra long reins being SWUNG like whips! Big difference!!”

If you’re wondering why white people are so terrified of becoming the minority race in the USA, it’s shit like this. On record. 

It reminds me of George Floyd in the sense that it’s making many white people extremely uncomfortable because they never like to see how the sausage is made. 

If he had just complied with orders.

I didn’t used to be this person but war changes people and I do consider us to be at war with these people.

Girl, me too. Sometimes I laugh out loud, like when I read the headline to this article!

I mean NDT pointed this shit out and people got salty at him but these dumb  fuckers chose the thug life so...

It’s kind of amazing to realize that even while Nassar was repeatedly assaulting them and the FBI was ghosting them, these young women were competing and winning.

Now playing

Lemme’ say this: Hough’s goofy racism is the least of the problems with The Activist.

Man 12 months probation for literally attacking a classroom full of kids

Reality shows are generally shit but I can’t think of a worse idea than the concept of people who are fighting for various groups who all can use help squabbling with one another on TV to get some damn funds.

This is what happens when society deliberately makes mental health treatment impossible to obtain.

Cos she was either born rich or married rich

For a lot of non-whites in America, hating on Black people is the first rung on the ladder.

File this under “Smart as hell but dumb as a bag of hair.”

I think what they mean to say is that it’s impossible for them to give a fuck about holding this piece of shit responsible.

These complains are such BS and Un-American:

“No one — including incarcerated individuals — should be subject to medical experimentation,” ACLU of Arkansas Executive Director Holly Dickson said in a statement.