
Merely a curious observation. Hasn’t it been the rule for ages you need a credit card to secure a rental and produce said card upon renting? If so, wouldn’t this have been a way to prove where he was via credit card receiptI’ve not found this addressed in any of the articles I’ve read about this. *flummoxed*

GIF failure.   Arrrgh...


I have often wondered...

How ‘bout they deal with pedo Andy and leave this young family alone?

I so wish this would become reality.    Yet, I live in the real world.  Without racism, they have nothing.

Your comment about the mole, I was like “get outta my head.” Wentworth was my jam. I think the last season was unnecessary. Rabbit Proof Fence broke my heart, as is so often with us POC. Started watching Stateless recently, I get exactly what you’re saying.  And a lot of folks don’t even know the UK sent their

*Ooof* Could it be their scarlet letter for their treatment of the aboriginals?

We weren’t forged from the fire, we are the fire.

For the love of gawd, please stop taking these fuckers out of the grays!

I have zero sympathy for sell outs.  Periodt. They give credence and might to those who have always wanted to destroy us. He and his ilk can fuck right off.

No! They get zero response/reply from me. Excuse my language fam, but fuck them! That’s exactly what they want and I will not indulge that. They want to prance around while instigating and all of their other bullshit while also claiming innocence. Pfft. Miss me with that. Leave that okey doke shit at the curb.

Rest in power, Mr. Kerr. I just have to wonder if he left a manifesto naming names, incidents, etc. The fact that he took his life outside the Sheriff’s station makes me wonder if/what they could possibly be covering up.

Thank you for clarifying. With these compromised kneegrows, it’s hard to tell.

Wayment.  That’s his WIFE??

Now playing

I believe this was her last interview.   Grace, talent, elegance.   What a force.

Ghat dayum.  Shut it down!  TY!!

If I may, and with all due respect, Sig, white people give white people a bad name.  Don’t get me started on their “culture.”

Come thru sis!

Performative.  To those who supported 45 and are now doing the mea culpa tour, they can kiss my Black ass.