
Blown Away. I loved that show. Ever since I discovered Chihuly maaaany years ago, I’ve been fascinated by the process. The Repair Shop. So sweet and endearing. I love to see these craftspeople doing what they do best.

Going from your comment, a random thought. Wow. It would be quite interesting if Anita Hill would decide to run. Not in this election, yet in the future. Merely a random thought. On second thought, Amerikkka is not worthy of a Black woman leading this country, let alone Ms. Hill Too vicious, too cruel, too unkind. 

Why is it, if they are the “master race,” they constantly and consistently need bailing out of their own bullshit and destructive choices/decisions? Make that make sense.

Who the hell let all of these shitheads out of the grays?  Our house used to be so much better than this.  Seriously, what is going on?

Hollerin’.  Imma need you to log out.

Right?!  Isn’t seek over when you zip up the suitcase?  

Even better, add a tablespoon or so of bacon fat to the batter. Talk about flavor.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Bryant filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Island Express Helicopters and Island Express Holding Corp as well as the estate of pilot Ara Zobayan. The lawsuit alleges that pilot Zobayan was negligent and failed “to use ordinary care in piloting the subject aircraft.” The flight

No! White supremacy is not a mental disorder. If you use that metric, you remove accountability. They must always be held accountable.

To the Mayosapiens that condone this: is it really THAT serious? WOW. Good luck with your case. There are far too many Black folks I know and have witnessed living their best dayum life and have been for over a hundred years. So many of us do not, nor have not, empowered that word in generations. So you all scuttle

“There are huge consequences when [black women] express our rage because we’re seen as threatening,” she said in an email, even noting that her post likely wouldn’t have been as popular “if I wasn’t code switching and couching my profound disappointment and anger in ‘eloquent’ ways.” And while she’s heartened by the

Shame on me for clicking on this. I find this couple absolutely thirsty and insufferable.

At the expense of Black people, is this supposed to be funny?  Not targeting you, yet I’m exhausted of these flippant responses, specifically on a site geared towards African Americans.  

Happy Friday to Marsai and nobody else.”

Ashy is a choice.  PeriodT!!  Thank you, sir.

Not only did Friends do it, Sex and the City as well. The comparisons are quite obvious. If memory serves, Drew Carey made this observation as well years ago.
