
Thank you for sharing this. No, you’re far from alone. I’m an adoptee, child of the 70s whose bio mom was Irish and bio dad Black. My parents are Black and that’s how I identify. There were no biracials around when were growing up. It’s as if my sibling and I were these mystical unicorns to the outside world.

OT: jeebus. In that header (?) photo, she looks exactly like Olivia Pope’s mother.

Right?! I had to take a closer look to verify.

Yanno, her hair looks fine once paired with that fly sundress. My true concern was the Barbie wearing the cammo pants. I do not socialize with Beckys or Chads that wear cammo. Nope, no siiiiir.

Here’s the thing, language sets expectations.

...twerking on top of the coffin” Hollerin’...

Steve was never invited...


Koonyea - you and your ilk can have a stadium full of seats!

You are too kind, beloved. Michael has such an incredible way with words.

No problem. Have a good one!

This, right here, left me breathless. Your way with prose never ceases to amaze me.

*clears throat* I’m a sista.

So to summarize, there’s no difference betwix American mayosapiens and Canadian mayosapiens. *head nod* Got it.

*boom* there we have it. Handle your business! Thank you for sharing it with us. Seriously.

Asking for Jesus. 🙏🏼 Please let Mr. Big not be a SATC reference.

Yes! Can’t wait.

To all the mayosapiens with butt hurt feelings, I kindly offer you my thoughts and prayers.

Got it. You made the right call.

Ghat dammit. Hollerin’!