

Shiiiiid. The rate some of these kneeagaroes are at, it stays in my pocket.


I absolutely love this show. The characters, the writing, scenery all of it. And I’ve got a real soft spot for Vi and Hollywood’s grown and sessy relationship. Can’t get enough!

Team okra!! Ya’ll don’t eat gumbo?

Cackling. Truth!


Exactly what I came here to ask.

Color me cynical, yet is this due to the rapid opioid epidemic?

It truly is a shame she’s not been nominated.

A fellow Jezzie recommended Old Ebbitt Grill on a SNS last year. I wound up visiting DC some months later and that’s where we went one evening. Was.not.disappointed. An outstanding DC institution. Cannot recommend it enough.

I’m ova here like this!

A curly hairstylist is very hard to find. I found mine over 4 years ago and no one else will touch my hair. What they do and bring to the table is a gift. Ethnic/curly hair - to know how to care/cut it is a gift that they learn. It’s not taught.