
You would probably prefer the experience of a Cruiser Class vehicle. In solar car racing, there are now two standard recognized classes of vehicle (as of the 2018 American Solar Challenge). There are Challenger Class cars which are similar to the car driven in this review; single seat, “ping-pong table” cars that have

I pointed out this plot hole to my girlfriend during the movie.
She told me to shut up.

I would also like to take this moment of controversy to point out that in every instance of bobby pin use there is an unaccounted for screw driver. Why does Bethesda have to break their deep realism like this with their magical, instantly appearing, indestructible screw drivers?

Giving the woodwinds an advantage, aye?

Dang, Plus Ultra.

Now you can carry two items from item blocks. Nice.

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Indeed. Here is a video made by Andrew W.K. with some other fun facts:

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I have been a big fan of Many a True Nerd’s play-through of Medieval II: Total War. As the Danes MATN has concurred most of Europe through corruption, strong arming and annihilating anyone who questions his authority all the while narrating these atrocities with a chipper, British accent. His Fallout play-throughs are

Agree 100%, just one correction. Al Franken is from Minnesota and they tend to lean democrat. Although I guess Minnesota also blessed us with Michele Bachmann so, who knows.

My dad had decided that when I was 14 he would take me out to a parking lot to practice moving the family 1996 Plymouth Neon (in fashionable teal) from parking spot to parking spot. I had been using a riding lawnmower since I was 11 so this was a very similar concept and eventually my dad decided that we should take

There was a little convenience store/restaurant in Minneapolis that sold this exact dish. They called “The Bomb” though. It was incredible.

I am not sure if there is an android port, but there is definitely a PC port. There is an option to turn on directional ques which kind of ruins the fun and there isn’t the pain of throwing your life’s savings at it.

Reminds me of old solar car racing. Drivers used to be laying down feet first and use levers at their sides to steer as putting a steering wheel over the top of the driver would increase the height of the vehicle.

I have found that the start/stop on my vehicle goes relatively unnoticed. It is a hybrid so the low speeds and coasting are fleshed out by the electric motor anyway. But as other people have stated, it might be a service issue at some point; I am only 20k miles deep and have insufficient data.

Plane is best car.

Mild omnipotence can really turn you into a dick butt.

If I recall the conversation correctly from episode 2, Jon, Davos and a couple men headed down to White Harbor to take a boat to Dragonstone. Euron’s fleet would have been otherwise occupied tailing the Unsullied over to Casterly Rock or bringing Tyene and Ellaria to King’s Landing, the sea between White Harbor and