Iron Pineapple is a freaking legend! Be sure to watch his channel for more ingenius trolling. I would also recommend Infernoplus.
Iron Pineapple is a freaking legend! Be sure to watch his channel for more ingenius trolling. I would also recommend Infernoplus.
In Peter Tieryas’ novel The United States of Japan, the United States loses the Second World War to Japan, and finds…
Good to have this calm game before the storm that is Dark Souls 3.
CG animation is a wondrous beast
There is a really smart rule that smart people follow. If you plan to work above the level of disposable minimum wage worker, keep your trap shut about anything even remotely controversial. Yeah yeah, gotta be progressive blah blah free speech. Corporate doesn’t give a shit nor should they. You need to be bland in…
Love all the armchair reactions to her firing as if they know everything that happened. Nintendo doesn’t owe anyone an explanation for shit.
This story is not new. Reactionary hate mobs in games have attacked outspoken women for years now. The shameful and disgusting aspect of this story is that never before has a company failed one of its employees that was the target of a harassment mob to this degree. Ubisoft didn’t fire Jade Raymond when she came under…
Patrick, this has me deeply, completely confused. How does anyone even combat people like these anymore? They don’t care if people hate them, and articles bashing them are made, and any article written about them, even in negative light, has the chance of bringing like minded people to their side, which I’m sure they…
And not a word on the fantastic soundtrack, once more supplied by the amazing Floex? For shame!
Yeah, that’s true before everyone min/maxes everything to hell and back. Till only one build is acceptable and all other build are garbage tier.
Ok, so lot’s of people are expressing concerns similar to you, here. So I kind of picked your comment at random to respond to, nothing personal.
I don’t even turtle in DS1 anymore. After a couple of hours with Bloodborne, you will sing and dance around DS1 enemies with no armor whatsoever, slaying everything besides a few bosses, asking yourself, how you could have ever found this difficult.
From a community stand point for Dark Souls, this situation really sucks. If you aren’t willing to play the game in Japanese, go the back door route and get it on Xbox One, or be one of the few lucky people in games press or internet famous clique (youtube dudes/twitch folks) you are stuck waiting the next 3 weeks…
Between this and the streamer nonsense, they’re really fumbling this release. I’m so so excited for Dark Souls 3 and bandai/namco are just passing out free copies to be spoiled 3 weeks in advance (which most professional sites aren’t allowed to review until the 4th), while some XBO and PC players are playing the game…
This whole release is some bullshit.
Exactly. Anyone who is not familiar with this case please look up “Temper Tantrum” on Youtube or Steam.
Purchased assets are literally all these jerkstores used.
Finally. Someone that knows... Funny how people can easily trash a game’s UI, but would NEVER be able to release a AAA title. Trying to be in line with everybody’s needs... From the UI lead, to the lead Art, to the 10 different directors on the project, 4-5 game designers who all want their own features more prominent…
Gaming and most gamers are fine. The problem is gaming also attracts people that are socially inept or have serious mental problems, and these people are the loudest/obnoxious ones. The other 98% of gamers live normal lives and cause no problems.