
This lol. And they’re oddly louder than the rest of the game too to the point I would turn them down because they grated my poor ears.

“Face tired” indeed. What happened D:


I haven’t Facebook’d since the old people took over. All the cool kids hang on Twitter now, I think? Or maybe not...I hear Tumblr is still cool but I went there and got an eyeful of fanart I didn’t wanna see....

I shall cackle with ye and await this impending doom then...hehehehe.

Don’t see the harm? If people can’t debate things like big ol adults then off to the greys with ye ;D

There was a shrine I did with those pusher blocks that send you / balls flying across the room and I noticed some boxes high up so I threw a bomb and it knocked them down and then I skipped the whole puzzle. That honestly made me laugh in a good way.

After playing through the tutorial for a 3rd time I’ll say! Though I wish the moves list was taught the same way all the basic mechanics are rather than through video. I’m more of a try than watch fella.

Same. Jack had some great lines and I loved his teasing mechanics.

Ebay if I remember correctly. Had to pick it up (fun roadtrip) and the owner was someone who used to work for the company so he would buy broken ones and fix them up.

+1 on the Aeron. Saw the price and was like daaaamn but managed to get one 2nd hand and it’s lasted me a long time and ergonomic as heck. I love it.

Do they reward you with anything you can take into NG+? That’d be neat. I was sad you couldn’t just take your old weapons over. Like the machine gun.

I’m the biggest wuss there is when it comes to scary games. RE1 terrified me, Silent Hill 2 and 3 made me nope when I got to their respective hospital levels but strangely RE7 didn’t do anything to me. Really strange since 1st person would surely make things worse?

Good to see they haven’t lost the goofy side of Resi. Now if they could just let us play as tofu man...

Does anyone know when dinner is?

So long weird face NPC. Mind you I was playing the game again recently and spotted a woman NPC with a beard. I don’t even know how that works. Pretty sure the beard is part of the texture D:

*Remembers the Sleeper quest reddit and sighs.*

In order to be a good Twitch’er you’ve got to be a good entertainer but that’s not always good enough and in order to stand out you need that “brand” that sets you apart from all the other clone Youtube / Twitch shows and this is her thing. It clearly works and I say good luck to her.

Not so lucky with me. Hardly getting any even after just farming mobs. Think the values need a slight tweak cause the one on the dreadnaught is still viable and fun.