Habbercamp Shatterdome

This is where a sane system would require some sort of statutory reserve plan in exchange for the bailout. 

Ok, I’ll bite.

Indeed. There is nothing bad anyone can say about Amy Klobuchar. Unless, of course you were a subordinate she terrorized. Or a probably innocent young black man who she brags about having put in jail for life. And she has run a mistake-free campaign, assuming you don’t consider “failing to connect in any way with

This is a very weird comment! If you prefer Warren, why didn’t you vote for Warren? Did you consider that maybe your conversations with like 7 people might not have been a terribly representative poll, and that if you like Warren for reasons, maybe other people might like Warren for reasons also?  It is quite a

Marnie nearly had me with the Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip (try Graeters’ version!) and butter pecan, but Aimee’s picks are undefeated.

Did they keep the part of the books where the first one is amazing worldbuilding and the second two are just the author spinning his wheels?

You don’t need a new building with a fucking olympic sized swimming pool to train police officers to stop shooting unarmed Black people. And yeah I do think there should be fewer police on the street. There’s no link between increased policing and lowering crime, but you know what does lower crime rates? Access to

To me Steph just seems quiet and serious. As a kid I was accused of being a bitch or stuck up because I was quiet and serious. If someone put me on tv with the extra layer of awkwardness and editing, i’m sure I would look like an alien having to interact with humans. 

I am a CPS parent and I say, give them what they want. I would go further and cap charter school growth (which I believe they did in LA) - they perpetuate the segregation and they take public funds while not being held accountable to the public for results or proper spending. Rahm’s expansion of UNO charters, CPS

Prue: You have a fly on you