Habbercamp Shatterdome

i guess my thing is if you’re investing in good coffee, buying from a local roaster and paying attention to tasting notes, then you’re sort of wasting the whole experience by masking all that with cream and sugar. its like buying a nice bottle of wine and turning it into sangria. like, sure, it’s a thing you can do

big year for Top Boy alum. guess Kano is past his prime, sorry bruv.

I was going to also recommend the Last Defender. My group got stuck on one puzzle and ended up blowing up Chicago. Whoops. I want to try their other room, Nova to Lodestar, when it opens at that CAH game cafe.

I don’t know if you can find it in the US but I was a big fan of Bundaberg Lemon Lime and Bitters when I was living in Melbourne. I’m honestly not sure I ever tried their root beer though.

I’ve started making my own yogurt and honestly I’m not sure it’s all that cheaper. At my local grocery store I can get 4 Fage for $5, sometimes 5 for 5 - i’m guessing Dannon is even cheaper. When I make yogurt I like to use an organic whole milk and that costs at least $5. I’ve mostly started this as a way to reduce

she helped create the consumer financial protection bureau before she even held political office. she’s been beating the drum of class warfare since being elected senator in 2012. take your head out of your ass.

i worked at both a gamestop AND a public library. working in a public library isn’t all that bad really. being a shelver is kind of contemplative and relaxing. behind the desk is a little boring but its kind of interesting seeing what people are reading, you kind of get to know people that way. oh here comes mrs. so