Hagbard Selina Kyle


Underrated line in Casablanca: “I like to think you killed a man. It’s the romantic in me.” Claude Rains’ delivery of that whole speech is *chef’s kiss*, but that particular line is a personal favorite.

That is called a center well. It is technically less efficient mostly because it tends to require lots of specific pieces for the left and right side of the play field and you can play more dynamically with the well being on the right side of the screen specifically. There is a player named Quaid who is very fond of

Oh sure it looks bad, but that's only because you put exactly what they said into print with the appropriate amount of context around it to get across exactly what they were trying to say!

I recognize that the only way I’d place second in a cycling race is if there are only two people racing, but I do not understand why so many cyclists pull a DeSean Jackson like that. I don’t even finish my McDonald’s fries without watching over my shoulder for my wife to come and steal the big ones I save for last.

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

Charlie transforming into a giant squid HAD TO BE a Watchmen reference, right?

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

Here’s the thing with Chris Pratt: when he told the story about exposing himself, he also says that the producers came to him and explained that he shouldn’t have done that and that he needs to inform everyone on set if he’s going to be nude so that people have the option of leaving. They also made him sign a contract

I love the write ups ‘Snookums doesn’t like other dogs, but loves to steal his caregiver’s glasses’ sort of thing. His tweets bring light to the darkest of my moods.

So this is basically the same as white kids thinking they’re the real world John Galt?

So, they add a moustache to a Superman rather than CG one out.

Fun fact: “straight class” is what Mike Pence tried to add to Indiana’s education curriculum, in light of his own insecurities about his mastery of the subject.

Here’s a not-so-conspiracy theory: those DMs and that email were not written by the same person. 

I’m sorry my description of five people being murdered was insufficiently cheery.

Is she disappointed in a friend siding against her? Is she merely dismissing a tool she no longer has any use for? Was she purposefully placed there to provide a maternal presence for Paige and Elizabeth the way Gabriel provided the father figure Phillip never had?

There was like four great scenes of two people talking in a row! In addition to that one, Costa Ronin was incredible explaining to Stan why he was there, probably the best scene Kerri Russell and Holly Taylor have done together, and the gradual realization by Philip that he was already being watched while the priest

“Does your convalescent hospital caretaker know that you’re out?”

The winner takes it all

“SOS-I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”