
We found love in a ropeless place.

Great write-up - thank you! 

Speaking of UFC, Mighty Mouse released a helluva statement today regarding his feelings about Dana and the UFC. Worth a read over at mmafighting.

He’s more Cotton Hill

Now I’m imagining a scenario in which Carmelo makes a WWF-style entrance in Game 4:

When asked about the Warriors offense relative to the Celtics, Coach Lue offered up this gem:

Sgt. Pepper turning 5o:
Small Brain: It’s a great album.
Glowing Brain: It’s no Pet Sounds
Exploding Brain: Yoko Ono did the world a favor.
Cosmic Brain: I bet no one’s blown Paul McCartney’s dick like a cello.

oh my god. just hook this kinja right up to my veins

“Remember, guys who can throw strikes are smarter than those who can’t.”

This hurts worse than when Chris Berman died.

Also not funny

When the officer asked Tiger where he was coming from he probably should have come up with something a little more believable than golfing.

Officer: Do you understand what I’m asking you to do?

... what?

One of these days I want a hit batter to just calmly take his base, let the situation cool down, and then blindside rush the pitcher from the first base.

big idiot’s beef

I’m here for the fat drama and I won’t apologize for it.

That crowd looks exactly like what I pictured a Golden Tee championship to look like.

So gonna play this with my dad, as soon as he returns from buying cigarettes. Any year now!

Impossible for Pence to have a female VP. Mother wouldn’t allow it.