H8 Rain

Oh, they’ll be bringing the regular Golf over. It’ll just be taller, with plastic wheel arches, a pretense of off-road capability, and it won’t be called the Golf.

It’s in Leviticus somewhere. Pretty much everyone skips that book though.

They sold more Smart cars (6,211) in 2016 than Nissan sold of the 370Z (5913).

the car was shit, it drove like shit, it rode like shit, it was just a bad car that no one wanted in America. it came out with bad transmission, was only good for like 4 citites in the US, there were other cars that got better MPG than that car, and you didnt look like you just gave up on life driving it. (kinda like

Pity Oldsmobile. You were gone 442 soon...

When I bought my first car back in 2001, you could get a decent 10-12 year old car for under $1500. Nowadays, that’s $3k-$4k and more like 15 -20 years old.

imagine if she DIDN’T tell them where the truck was... and returned to ask them. She should’ve let them sweat it out a bit. Stealing it back was genius.

Ford: “By new affordable model, I mean we are going to decontent the Ecosport. Oh, you think that can’t be done and the Ecosport S is already bare bones? Hold my beer and watch this”.

I love a story where there’s nobody to root for.

People might be buying fewer new cars from the lot, but they’re paying more for them

I go to the dealership on purchase day like I’m going on a multiday hiking/camping trip. I’m there to annoy and frustrate them. I break them down. I’m certain that every dealer I’ve ever worked with short of one has wanted to physically harm me by the end of the transaction.

I’ve seen this so many times on Craigslist; seller wants to get out of car payment and just wants to “break even” but the fact is, even with a desirable car, there’s instant depreciation when you buy new, and you aren’t ever going to break even. Add that to the fact that there’s a newer (better) model of Jeep that

If no one is buying your car, it isn’t desirable and at the right price.

I’m shocked (but not electrocuted).

Thank god. It’s bad enough having 4.0 I6 jeeps tailgate me and drive aggressively. I don’t need Fred Durst lookalikes roaming around in 700hp mall-crawlers with 6 inch lifts ok, I can’t just watch someone crash and not stop to help. Don’t make me help Fred Durst or people who look like him 

That, plus if someone is so cash-strapped that a couple grand is make-or-break, I’m just not confident that maintenance and/or repairs weren’t deferred or botched on an expensive to own vehicle.

Does Tracy’s planned Moab run in that rust bucket he calls a Jeep have anything to do with this decision to leave?

Personally I don’t trust computers and I never use them. 

No. Bojangles.

I’m not entirely convinced they even add alcohol to them...