
It’s important to note that his funding of Hogan doesn’t change the correctness of the verdict. In admonishing him for funging Hogan what you are basically saying is “It’s not fair that Gawker couldn’t bleed Hulk Hogan dry before he would even have a chance to have his case heard!”

“something of a head-to-head showdown”

If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

I thought that these video game women had impossible figures?

Dose Legs...

This is the greatest thing I have ever seen. Fuck street runners. “Oh the road is softer on my feet!” No, I hate you.

Eramo should get Hulk Hogan’s attorneys. I hear they’ve been killing it recently.

This argument again? Watching UCONN dominate women’s basketball is like watching the fat kid bowl over toddlers on the way to a Nerf hoop. There is no competition whatsoever. Women’s basketball is the only sport where high school teams get blasted 104-3 on a regular basis. The few that have serious talent (and they do

Remember when you were racist if you thought Kaepernick was a flash in the pan? Ahhh, the good ole days of Deadspin.

This is the obvious fact that Marchman is missing.

Notice how Draper doesn’t mention this edit in his “correction” item.

I’m convinced nobody knows how to write articles anymore.

Rubbin’s Racin’

Damn kinja warriors love criminals. Drag racing is dangerous as fuck and for someone with Jon Jones’ resources nearly sociopathic. He could easily go to a track and speed along to his heart’s content but instead he endangers the lives’ of innocent people yet you don’t like the cop’s “sass.” Fuck you

Wow. This guy is a complete idiot. He confirms that the cop is filming the whole conversation, and he still curses out the police officer and escalates the situation.

1.) She tied her career high today, didn’t set a career high
2.) She’s not the tallest player on Washington’s team. There are three players on their roster that are taller.
3.) Washington plays the winner of Syracuse and Tennessee, not Texas.

Terrifyingly long?

What a whiny, meandering, shitty article. I read about 2000 words before I realized the reason you never got a job at BR: you're a poopy writer.

I could write a similar article about every job I've ever had. Just because YOU have a dream, doesn't mean they have an obligation to fufill that dream for you. It's your own