
After putting in close to 70 hours by September, I’ve deleted the game and haven’t played it since the October update.

Better than welfare.

They need to make a decision soon on whether to cancel the season or not. It’s almost two-thirds done, and once you’re into that final trimester, you’ve gotta see it through

not sure which is more obnoxious and elitist:

Also the hubris of thinking you could nominate the most hated Democrat in the United States and still win an election.

So how much is the WNBA paying you guys to post multiple articles during the finals?

That might be competitive if the D-League team played 3-on-5.

I have always enjoyed reading Diana Moskovitz’s reporting. It’s usually very well written, researched and nuanced. I had been following her coverage of the Derrick Rose case and assumed she was giving us very good, unbiased coverage of the case.

Everyone’s a liberal until they have to be one.

You’re really going to throw stones for editorial errors?

how about instead of useless content, add more maps? 1 new map since launch, come on now...

Maybe rich people are bad; maybe rich people aren't but one thing is very clear: Hamilton Nolan has no talent and is struggling to get clicks. There's no denying his lack of ability or charisma.


the disgrace was the families suing in the first place. Just because a few people on comment boards and social media feel bad doesn’t mean you can do whatever the fuck you want legally. They hired ambulance chasing lawyers, turned down a hefty generous settlement offer, and then lost on it. PR? Fuck that. Don’t file

Good. Larry Wilmore is terrible. I’ve never seen anyone so afraid to tell a joke as he was when he pulled out the N word to Obama. Why was he so afraid? If he had pulled that off without jumping a foot in the air, without eyes the size of hubcaps, it would have been awesome. Wilmore is perpetually the guy who looks

There's an ad between EVERY COMMENT on mobile. Get it the fuck together.

“I Dont Want To Lift Weights and Get Bulky” says every large and out of shape girl in the known universe.

What do you expect with a plane full of Indians and Arabs? The only way they could have been more rude and clueless is if the plane was full of Russians and Chinese.

Maybe this was just a helpful hint from Microsoft to Gizmodo... “Psst. This is how large companies and media interact. You clearly weren’t aware of professional journalistic standards of practice and we wanted to help you out."

hahahaaa “world best soccer players offer their takes on usmnt”