
what is crazy is Jags (and Gretzky) still smoked teams in the 90s!

yeah, I honestly think he could score 60pts a season til he’s 50 if he wanted to/if his debt is still that bad

I just was rehashing Jagr’s numbers, and I always forget that ‘bad Jagr on the Caps’ was still a PPG player. He just didn’t score 60g and 120pts.

kinda like how women know exactly what will happen when they dress slutty, right?

the problem is Blizzard is more concerned with income generating updates with skins than adding new maps and chars. I am in the same boat as you, as are friends.

what is it with stupid shit white hipsters and using retarded ebonics???

eat shit

“On Thursday, Jones wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post, noting that the concessions Carrier wanted the union to make in order to save their jobs would have required them to work for $5/an hour with no benefits:”

if you’re being obtuse and ignoring how our elections work, sure!

i can’t wait until this dumbshit crackhead kills himself while facing an 8 ball behind the wheel

this is how it has always been. No idea why people don’t get this

God I can’t wait for some man to fuck you in your stupid little whore ass cunt

‘A great time to prey on women’

Klinsmann needed to go, but Arenas is fucking awful good lord

or the league would just say fuck it and shut down entirely. Organizing would just speed up the end

oh my god what condscending shit that would be, calling a POC you don’t even talk to just to make sure they are ok

no one has actually done anything to you, yet you’re afraid. you are an idiot

if only we could use liberal tears to power this country, we would be off of fossil fuel in weeks. good lord