
it’s amazing watching how poorly Diana covers this compared with real journalists

my god if I ever see you in NYC i am going to punch you straight in the cunt.

no. you were previously so self absorbed that you thought that only one gender second guessed themselves at times!

I am not voting for trump but just about none of that is true at all. Markets are not sky rocketing, we are still very much in the middle east, there are lots of shit jobs, $15 minimum is not a thing, def not lower taxes... what is this bullshit?

yes. and you can bet any amount of money this cunt is one of the people who gets upset about being a bearded woman who gets misgendered, and that is what triggered this

so casual misogyny by calling players bitches is ok because he is black??

except she wasn’t passed out, and there’s no proof that she was intoxicated as she claims. Nothing is going to come of this for that very good reason, yet everyone is going to throw a shitfit like they were there.

it’s a showcase of the posters over the history of the rivalry. Getting bent out of shape over a defunct logo is like getting offended at a fucking museum. Good lord.

posting about NFL = bad

why is it so hard to understand the 1st amendment

when cops say you have to leave and you drunkenly tell them to eat shit. You can get tagged with disorderly and public intoxication anywhere. Doesn’t matter if the booze is sold legally.

I didn’t say sit behind the turret. I said that he is useless without a turret that you can keep up, which is 100% correct. And if you have to keep on putting up new ones frequently, it is the same issue.

he is a generally useless character. if there is a remotely competent junkrat or Pharah, his turret is down easy. He’s only good in a crossfire.

no. The person picking a generally useless character (Hanzo) should be the one switching, not a core char.

you are an absolute idiot if you think that Gawker at any point followed traditional standard of journalistic sourcing. If that were the case, Gawker would still be around. Period.

wait, a shitty quitter OL wants to blame the QB, who has has had zero time to throw all season?

wait, is a hack from this site really talking about editorial goofs

the first one is only idiot black people caught in the act of a crime

hahahaha holy christ womens soccer is so awful

well like deadspin told us, so what that Kap’s method of protest was disrespectful, you are ignorant if you ignore the message