
you idiots already dedicated half of the deadspin homepage to ads and shitty concourse posts

I was kind of thinking the same on my last boot up. The two week break in seasons was so dumb. I got back into R6, I am hyped for BF1... Overwatch rolls out one mediocre new map, and every other competitive match has quitters.

why do you keep posting some chubby middle aged dude with chicken legs???

it’s amazing the amount of idiots on this site who can’t grasp that the 1st amendment has absolutely zero to do with this situation.

hahahaha this treads soooo close to calling Doug Baldwin a house nigger for daring to be a black man with an opposing view!

Kaepernick is a rapist and Britt is a career criminal.

thankfully, not even is so delicate that this idiotic view was considered

except it is state law to have the bond set at that level hence the reason it is staying there, and fuckboy Nick Denton now has to sell assets

it’s a law put in place to make sure the accused can actually pay up. To waive would be playing favoritism.

and then going to your kids... if it isn’t hospitl worthy then go in the shade?

fuck that nigger

hey get it, he is black, and has black hair! HAH! How funny!

i am sorry this too hard for you to grasp, idiot :(

‘His lawyers can say that Univision deciding to take the posts down is a tacit admission that the posts were incorrect/flawed/libelous/however they want to spin it.’

you are arguing that univsion deleting the posts is an admission of wrongdoing for something it did not do, period. You are a fucking idiot.

are you retarded??? They are different companies. It does not impact the gawker case at all.

wow a whole lot of words that don’t make sense!

great, except that gawker (and not univision) is the one being sued. and univisions (not gawker) is the one taking down the post

it doesn’t do anythng for the positions of the original post. It’s a different company. You don’t know what you are talking about

this is completely wrong, and their legal logic is sound. basically, they don’t want to inherit Gawker’s suits by continung to house the posts in question.