
nah that’s about the one think JK does right. Even withuot the caps, training against much higher level opposition is so much better than beating up retirees and never-wases in the MLS

all he said was that he didn’t say that, not that he wasn’t guilty of it

drag racing, wreckless, etc

Geno with his once a year reminder that there’s a second (very shitty) tournament going on. This is less of a hot take than the men’s game is unwatchable LOL

it’s a piece about how garbage the competition is, and the league as a whole. Women’s basketball is shit

so fat guy touchdown, except with fat lady in basketball?

so the way to not support the corporate machine is to pay the corporate machine to see the worst product available - gotcha

outside of fighting, no way!

hitting is very much legal in lacrosse - nothing wrong with that hit at all.

this is some straight hood rat shit

this video player is almost as god awful as Billy Bicycle’s writing jesus

hahahaaha what god awful keeping

yeah, you’re totally well adjusted, fattie.

except this girl didn’t know him, but hey, what’s the big deal right? Cunt.

so busy job hunting that you post this 2 days after the fact?

Now imagine if you shitlords practiced a little empathy when debating whether to run the Hogan video, or out a scary gay dude LOL

gosh, I don’t get it - why do places that have more influence globally get more media coverage??

so a retard points a weapon at a guy and his dog, then points it at the cops, but the cops are assholes because they couldn’t immediately ID the weapon as a taser and not a gun.

lololol how oculd they charge her!

no destiny is bland as shit, even with taken king

no destiny is bland as shit, even with taken king