
I don’t think you get what ‘go at each other’ means. Serge came from behind and the side to try and save the play

a broken game he is no longer fixing great deal

reason #131324324 why kickstarters for games are bullshit

yeah, but McGregor likes to stand up, so that is big too.

I think his post-fight commentary is spot on. He can fight at that size. Just not used to it yet. Diaz had reach on him, has a much better chin than anyone he’s faced, and he’s far better on the ground than him.

yeah but that’s kind of expected in women’s. All the top dogs have glaring weaknesses since it’s so underdeveloped.

impossible standards, such as don’t have a nude on your phone that you use in class, or having a pass word on that phone

oh look, a giant thread with a bunch of idiots like that Yelp girl!

That would be RACYISS if they did!!!


‘Because as with so many superheroes, there is nothing about the character of Iron Fist that requires him to be played by a white person’

Take a wild guess which Totally Not A Republican candidate this shitheel is backing?!?!

you know how I know you’re a whore??

The top 5 D, line, and Run game led those teams to 3 NFCCG and a SB. Kap was just a passenger.

that explains why you’re so stupid and broken :(

people were all ‘A black stormtrooper’ because the cannon is that the troopers are all clones of a non-black person. Jesus fucking christ, why won’t this stupid little thing die.

The station is losing a real winner! Who else is going to tell us that Darth Vader is racist, or that claiming a white guy works hard is privileged statement?

Jez, the only place on the internet where having opposing views on the same station is a bad thing

have you seen his show? Noah is awful and should be removed for being a little shit, as stated, but at least he is occasionally funny. Wilmore is awfu

he doesn’t get a pass but here let me make one for him - good one, dipshit