
ain’t it funny how that graph also mirrors the chances of some retarded black guy on death row being their incorrectly, but everyone wants to shut it down?

is he the one running drinks and other food and collecting tip? No. So shut the fuck up, genius

Good thing they showed that innocent waiter by not tipping them!

that’s probably because you’re an idiot!


The courts didn’t fail her in the slightest bit, and anyone asserting that is a complete and utter idiot.

you seem to suck at law in general based on your posts here. For any lawyer to think that she should be let out of this based on an allegation with zero proof, knowing the precedent it would set, is terrifying

That’s not a problem - it’s a feature of sensible laws.

Funny how that works, contracts and precedents.

the law values precedents. Namely, what would happen if you were able to void a contract by claiming rape a decade later with zero proof

even by the low ‘golazo’ standards here, this was pretty shit. This is women’s game in a nutshell: atrocious funamentals, with the few good players making it look like fifa vs the lowest skill level cpu.

There is.

bet you also think women who don’t vote for hillary should go to hell, right?

which is, again, why it was denied. They have no proof, sony offered a totally reasonable solution, and her lawyers have no proof that it won’t be promoted or whatever nonsense they are claiming.

aka, it’s the kind of bullshit that allows the UVA scenario to happen

good lord

please don’t judge all of us based on idiots like Greg Howard and Billy Bicycle

lol ok cunt

polls aren’t putting words in someone’s mouth you idiot

So how much longer do we have to wait for this level of analysis about Gawker’s own fuck up with that guy Jordan outted??