I like it when games let me switch between localised and original content. Both sets of assets exist, so why not let me choose?
I like it when games let me switch between localised and original content. Both sets of assets exist, so why not let me choose?
The ps1's original controller to the one with analog sticks looks like the controller hit puberty. I remember buying one for Resident evil.
No ads, no ads, a few ads, ads on the front page, ads plastered everywhere.
6 polys actually. remember everything is rendered in triangles.
Beat Dante's Inferno, and check out Satan's most devastating weapon as it swings freely and almost breaks your ribcage.
Looks a bit like her nipples have been tied to her knees.
One word;
I find it disheartening that a 3rd grader has better handwriting than me.
Actually, I have another thought. Most of the discussion are having fun with the questions of "what", whereas I tend to have fun with the questions of "how" and "why". As such, I thought some people might be interested to learn some of the possible hows and whys. Just because you don't find that interesting doesn't…
I could be insulting in describing all the ways you are wrong, but to put it simply your assertions are incorrect.
OR it's just nothing.
Go home Hernandez, your drunk. Its clearly Jesus, anyone can see that.
Remember how in Ocarina of Time, when you were in the Lost Woods, how looking at the door would illicit that white background within the door, or how in a ton of other games, the shading ALSO kicks in when a door is made to look like an empty space of darkness? Remember how no one thought THOSE were things?
It's hard to believe Miss Hernendez could have her head farther up her ass
Kotaku munching those weed brownies yet again. Can I get job there please? It seems horrendously easy.
This is really grasping at straws you guys. A simple visual artifact and you're calling it Missingno. -_- Then you try to relate it to the Saving glitch......