That would just shift the problem. We need a balance of both, not a rule and exception. (this is of course ignoring the historical fact, cause Fun > fact if you're not doing historical accurate story).
I guess, their studio got... Left Behind...
Thank you so much for saying this...
There are two types of responses to this post.
I'm sure they don't care that he's using it in a costume, I think they care that he was selling the design on his own site.
You'll want to check and include Volpin's response. They've said that they are in complete agreement and have no issue with the C&D since it's within both companies right. I also believe that they have said that they do not wish for anyone to start complaining against either company. It's just that it's amusing…
You're right, no ones paying you to be abused by assholes. But you're likely being paid to not be an asshole.
you're certainly not comparing getting pulled over to picking up a game, right?
Both of them are wrong. I work in retail, and that's no way to treat a customer at all; HOWEVER, it takes a lot of self-restraint to deal with this shit day, after day, after day, after day, after day, and she probably snapped. Sure, that's still not a good reason, but I can at least see where she is coming from. I've…
On March 10, 2012, James Donmoyer stopped breathing.
Jesus fucking christ Hamilton, don't do that to me.
I'm not the only one that was aroused by this, right?
Zelda versus Jason?
They make burritos. Giant freaking burritos, like mortar shells, only more dangerous.
We need to boycott Paypal. That is the only way they'll learn.
Yeah I'm getting sick of this shit. MGS is my favourite series of all time and I don't like how they're using this topic for views. Very unprofessional...
Can we get less sensational shits like this? I love coverage on MGS5 but not in this mouth-breathing reality TV form. I know you fuckers want views and clicks but this shit is getting out of hand, kinda like the Sim City shitstorm a while back, this time it's on my favourite series, not cool bro.
I never went to Disneyland, thanks for re-opening that gaping hole in my heart.
MGS isnt' exactly scant about featuriing ridiculous people in ridiculous costumes that are completely inappropiate for the ridiculous situations they are. And it isn't just limited to the women, remember back when in the first MGS game, we had both Liquid and Raven doing their thing in sub zero temperatures while…