
Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find a hellcat. 

I regrettably sold my very clean and good running 91 K5 last year, for what I paid for it, $3500. I also have the ability to buy a nice 90s bronco for around 5K, but alas, not the funds. They’re out there, you just have to keep your eyes peeled. 

I’m a simple man, with very strange tastes.....

****Cracks knuckles****

Absolutely. We literally earn our wings lol

Long before there were upper middle class folks hucking Raptors and TRX’s, there were hillbillies airing out GMT400s in their back 40. Here’s me at a tender age doing my best dukes impression.

This kinda strikes home for me, because after pricing a weeklong vacation at the exact same place weve always gone, between the hotel, gas from ohio to myrtle beach, restaraunts costing so much more, and generally everything else in life costing more, the wife and I decided last night to sacrifice our car to free up

Current Fleet:

I wish it were as simple as that. Stellantis allocates us a certain mix of this car or that, all the way down to trim levels.We’re in rural Ohio, and every stickshift base wrangler gets sold within a couple weeks. But those dont make Jeep the BIG profits, so they allow us about 20 or 30 of them, but the rest has to be

I have a local credit union still doing 4.99 for 84 months. But even still,  6.39 is not terrible.  I dont know that I’d go that long on anything other than a Wrangler, Tacoma, HD truck, etc. that holds value a little bit better. 

Forgive me if I missed it, but what rate? Because if it’s better than 5%, Taking the 84 months and just Paying it off early is the obvious move.

A lot of people, I think, will buy when it actually becomes possible.

I’ll be blatantly showing my bias here, but for the sake of defending it, here’s my scenario. (Stick with me here, because I promise this may prove interesting to some!)

Without a doubt, a Tuscadero Pink Wrangler 4xe.

If I could offer up one potential reason for an increase in rejections, with the prices being the way the are nowadays, we see ALOT more people attempting to buy older vehicles. For example, let’s say you need a truck and the budget is 500 a month. Pre-covid, that budget could be comfortably acheived with a 25,000

I’ll tell ya hwat, it took ‘em a few tries but they definitely have started to figure out how to make this new design language look good. They desperately needed this thing to look cool.

Nail on the head with the “ford and Chevy” thing. It’s not that theyre BAD per se, just not on the same level as Toyota reliability wise. You have to avoid the 05,06,07,08 model year Frontiers and Xterras because of frequent problems with the radiator leaking coolant into the transmission, wiping out the trans and

The latest gen Xterra is honestly not holding up to the test of time. They have a lot of reliability issues, if you want a rugged SUV and can’t stand the thought of a Stellantis product, you’re just better off with a 4 runner. Which is a shame, because Xterras have a charm and a character to them that 4 runners dont. 

Dead nuts on the Gladiator. They’ve so far proven to be reliable as a hammer, theyre dropping into the $30k range for good clean used ones, you have all the advantages and utility, resale even, of a Tacoma, with the added bonus of top down, doors off fun. 

I’m going with the eco-friendly option here, let’s do Barney Rubble’s log car!