I think it’s also very dependent on the driver doing their part. My Rubicon 4xe was rated for 21 miles, and very rarely did I get less than 25 miles of total electric range, and when all the conditions were right I pulled off 27-28.
I think it’s also very dependent on the driver doing their part. My Rubicon 4xe was rated for 21 miles, and very rarely did I get less than 25 miles of total electric range, and when all the conditions were right I pulled off 27-28.
That it does. I know a LOT of people that vowed they’d never watch NFL again, and they’re still hosting superbowl parties.
If that’s the case then it’s good with me. Hope it crashes and burns then.
If you go far enough left or right, people get so extreme that they make thier decisions based on thier allegiance and not thier own critical thinking.
“The point is more to call attention to JK’s actions and support the trans community.”
See that makes me feel better. In that case piss on it lol
Nailed it.
I do feel it on a certain level though, I chose not to support businesses for much less. Chick Fil A for example, I wont go there just for the simple fact that they’ve made this branding of a “good christian folk” and then actively fight against people that are just trying to live their lives. As a Christian that DOES…
Right, like I get it. One of my very best friends is a trans man. I often look to him for guidance on subjects like this, because his other friends are almost EXCLUSIVELY LGBTQ+, and I’m literally a straight, white, christian hick from DEEP rural Appalachia. I’m almost the enemy just based off that lol, but I am an…
I’m actually VERY impressed that it only weighs 5,500 lbs. That sounds like a lot, until you see just how big these are in person, and I remind myself that I owned a 4 door jeep wrangler; after I added lift, 35" tires, bumpers, water cans, exocage, rooftop tent, winch, and a weekend’s worth of supplies I drove it to…
I might have the unpopular opinion here, but I feel like Rowling is rich no matter what, and it doesn’t matter if she gets more rich or less rich. She’s still rich.
The Dodge Charger, with just the regular R/T 5.7 hemi.
I would be 100% percent on board with an AWD EV Pacifica. I’d even give up my stow-n-go to get it. The biggest problem I face? Look up “EV chargers near Richmond Ohio” The closest public charging I have is a Chargepoint station (that doesnt work) and its a 45 minute drive from my house.
Good. As a former tire-shop owner of 12 years, GOOD. That company is everything you imagine when you think of a company that is just out for more money, no matter the cost. They’re crooks that want to be mentioned in the same breath as Michelin and Pirelli, but in reality they’re no better quality than Cooper or Toyo,…
Correct. Take the 4000 down, divide that by the lease term, and you’ll have a rough idea of the actual payment.
It all makes sense, but with some models and brands, I call bull. Don’t tell me you’re shutting the Belvedere plant down because nobody is buying cherokees. Nobody is buying cherokees because there are better cars for 40 grand, sure. But you know how to fix that? 399 a month lease deal. Boom. Done.
Yup. I can see from a manufacturer standpoint why they’re doing it, slow the sales down to catch up on inventory, but imagine being the layperson walking into a dealership, with no knowledge of the auto industry at all, thinking your going to toss the sales guy your keys and walk out with a new truck for the same…
Mostly. Example. My buddy is leasing a 2020 Ram 1500 with a money factor of 0.00080. To convert that to an interest rate, multiply the money factor by 2,400, giving us a 1.92% Rate. Say his lease is up, and its time for a new one. Current lease rate for his 850-credit-score-having-ass is 0.00470, or ELEVEN POINT…
Not really, but I can’t speak for all brands. We dont hammer people on down payments, because it really only affects monthly payment, there’s no advantage to it other than that. Maybe 500 or 1000 to get the payment from $415 to a better-feeling $389 or whatever, but now when your talking a 10-15 dollar a month…