
All education entails an agenda even if it is education for educational sake

Will and Grace is a show about discrimintion!!!!

Wait till you can’t say bruh... well you know cuz it’s totes not all inclusive

Excellent. Tastes have certainly changed but the jokes work today just as well when told to adults. It’s a bigger issue. They are choosing safe comedians and safe speech. They are trying to protect that one special snowflake just because the special snowflakes can’t take a joke.

While there is a contingent of people who reject the History of the People of the United States because it tells the dirty side of history, I bet you can find a contingent of those who support safe spaces who also reject it because it involves some scary ass history.

Safe-spaces and micro-agressions are stifling critical thinking in some kids. Now, I don’t believe for a second that there is some epidemic of college kids being overly sensitive and unable to participate in college without safe-spaces and free of these micro-agressions.