
This take is so bad, I have to think it's sarcasm.

Oh man, I totally forgot about that, but now I remember very vividly rolling my eyes at the work computer when reading that. I'm close to the same age of the writers then (and technically still am!) and I felt... I dunno, unreasonable anger? Back when AVC could get that sort of reaction from me. 

Oh, I recall those delays. That was a major contributing factor for me dropping comics as well.

It’s been about 15+ years since I’ve actually bought single issue comics, stopping pretty much at Civil War. Hoopla has been a godsend for my revised comics reading habits.

I don’t like to post just negative replies,

Even I, a godless coastal elite, would totally watch that show.

That was goddamn awful.

I don't remember it looking that old when I first bought that issue 😂

Man, I'm going to have to dig up that issue where MJ beats the crap out of Chameleon, it's so good. Memories.

I have said that so many times. That movie was so far ahead, it nails our current reality crazily.

I keep reading all this love for the series, but I sure as hell could not get through the first episode. It was atrocious. Does it legit get better? Is that one an outlier? 

I typically BBQ with oak wood, do you think that would work ok, or would you recommend something less heavy? Because I do grill romaine lettuce occasionally and the smoke does a wonderful flavor number on it.

Well, I'm glad I came from a Teasdale family.

I know what kept me from watching it for a long while was the kids on the show. I generally don’t care for watching kid actors. Once I got past that, it was easier to watch, and yes, it's a very good show. 

I hated those episodes but I always watched for THAT scene, always unabashed laughter from me.

I generally dislike most Cars things, but Carsland in DCA is so damn cool, especially at night when all the neon is lit up.

This is why I think, as a concept, X-Files is ripe for a soft reboot. Give the show to someone like a Gillian, who isn't beholden to the past, but learns from it, builds something new from it. 

I’m very glad I've been to the Bacchanal buffet a few times before all this. If it closes, I will miss that location immensely. 

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