
An under appreciated gem of a show. I still want that Sue Heck spin off.

But HOW? I'm still being prompted for payment

I’ve been watching trailers for this and I didn't even consider a grindhouse flavor to it. It makes me want to watch it more, even though I've got a feeling it's going to burn out like 'Blood Drive,' which I think I was the only person who liked that show.

Now playing

Not the right place, I know, I’ll show myself out.

I’m totally the other way around. I hated Rafi as a person but liked the character. Pimento I just can’t stand.

And tritip misses you.

Something like these?

$10-12 is what they usually run, typically with a soda. 

I’ve never understood the rationale of tenderly smoking, basting, caring for a large piece of protein to only dunk it in a vat of BBQ sauce. 

Because how often am I going to have a chance to post pictures of the BBQ I do in the very area that’s being discussed.

I watched a ton of Dr Quinn as a kid. Seeing him show up on HIMYM always made me giggle, especially when he says “We’s gonna get silly, bitches!” I wished he showed up again. RIP.

Buenas dias, long time reader, very very very seldom comment-er here (because it ain’t my place) with a question in regards to number 8.....

Same here. I have no desire do that. My brother, fresh out of the airforce, is looking for something to do, and wants to do a catering business with me. I have to tell him over and over again, I have no desire to do catering (I’ve never worked catering, I have worked in food for a while, but that was a lifetime ago).



Sprinkle with some salt for extra moisture wicking

I posted it and even I agree with the sentiment, haha. 

Now playing

I think you meant the Prince half time show. You’re mistaken if otherwise, it’s ok, we all make mistakes. 

You too, eh?

I was just going to say, “There’s no way it’s been 20 years since she has been introduced, ‘No Mans Land’ was published in—” 1999???