
Plenty of border towns bus in legal work migrants daily. They do the jobs that unemployed magas won’t do.

Thank you! I grew up in a poor border area. I’ve seen the stuff they have to do to make a living.

How many people run over is acceptable?

What not both?

Also no parking zones maybe 50 feet from the crosswalk entrance would help a lot as well.

There was a hilarious chat about this on Reddit yesterday. A number of Redditors had bought into the Kickstarter that Cards Against Humanity started to fund the land purchase. The Redditors were have an amusing discussion about starting an HOA and charging Elon for trespassing. 

NP myself as well to huff the nostalgia, even as a millennial. I associate these with being in a car-seat in the back and having happy meal on the way home from pre-school. 

NP for the velour alone.  It looks like it has ABS too.

For a clean anything, $2500 is pretty reasonable. Unless there’s someone incredibly nostalgic for a Corsica (which, absolutely possible, because they were everywhere), hopefully this ends up as part of a picture car fleet - we’re due for more 90's period pieces, and this is very era correct.

Old enough not to care about it, but new enough not to be a TOTAL death trap, PLUS a red interior, all for just $2500?!?

This car looks.....too nice for a ‘93 Corsica. It looks like it’s from a show/movie where they had to get the main character a “non descript” car but went too far and now it looks out of place. Get this car for your teenager and their classmates will think they are an undercover cop.

“Hi I need a set of decent wheels at a decent price”

The seller's honesty makes it NP. 

NP buy it for your teenager and enjoy their embarrassment.

If Musk wasn’t so batshit insane I might actually believe the general is making it all up... but being that Musk is Musk, and they are both probably equally crazy and power-hungry, who knows!

Hear me out, maybe it just bricked itself.
It’s a Tesla after all.

I would pay 10K$ for one. I’m sure the battery packs alone could be resold for close to if not 10k$

Watched the video yesterday and a couple takeaways

I’d have no problem rocking this

Maybe it’s just me, I’m starting to get the feeling this wasn’t a very safe submarine.