
There’s something to be said about American engineering. They can make some of the most competitive performance cars with the most simplest techniques. When they get it right, they get it right.

You must be a riot at parties.

Going back in time a bit, but the early 60's Studebaker Champ that had a mismatched bed. The “stepside” version didn’t look any better.

Cybertruck aside, I’m with you. I can’t stand to look at these GM twins.

I think the 1500s are worse. This attempt at a front end design has not grown on me at all. I’ll concede the HD pictured above is also ugly AF.

In before Cybertruck! I personally love the SSR, but I’m fully aware my opinion on this matter is objectively incorrect.

Lots of miles left in this one -- absolutely NP. It looks to be in very good shape, to boot. 

At $2500 just about any car that runs is a NP.

I’ve always had an irrational attraction to the 505 diesel. A good paint job and euro headlights would be the cat’s pajamas.  NP.

Yesterday was HELL NO! But today, it’s a HECK YEAH!!

The respray is Alpine White, but the flag is Achtung Red. I love myself an old E30, but ... who in their right mind would drop almost $30K for this?

This would also never pass smog. And seeing this is in California... good luck.

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

At $27,000 I was expecting this thing to be mint, and I was still going to ND someone else’s project (because, well, it’s not a mint E30 if half the car is other cars).  This....is just offensive. I’m upset Rob would subject us to this.

WHO THE HELL VOTED NP? Day drinking? High as a kite before 9am? WT-actual-F is WRONG with you? Can you see all the missing trim and the way it’s been otherwise tended?

I looked it up since seller didn’t include underbody shot.

I was shocked it wasn't 100% crack pipe 🤣.  Crazy price!

ND thanks I needed a good laugh 

Agree. The cracked dash, torn seat, and uninstalled trim are just the tip of the iceberg. The seller is trying to unwind his poor choices with this money pit.

Annoying that the seller isn’t presenting the car in its best/most accurate form. Put the wheels on that the buyer will get. If you have the missing trim, install it. If you have new seat inserts, INSTALL them. At this price, it should be absolutely mint. I love E30's, but some sellers are just nuts with their asking