
The idiots that vote for these people are too dense to absorb that and would find a way to deny it or blame it on democrats, even while they write the check for their ever-increasing insurance bill.


Now playing

You forgot “nobody knows more about insurance than me.”

Moving back to Trump’s claim that he can [literally anything and everything], Hartwig said, “that’s a lie.”

This has been Trump’s con since 2016 when he had a definite amazing plan for replacing the ACA. Now he’s downgraded it to a “concept of a plan.” And dumbasses still believe him!

I doubt there’s even a “concept of a plan” here. He’s just promising all sorts of stuff to get elected. 

Homeowner’s insurance in the laissez-faire wet-dream of a state he lives in, governed by his very own mini-me, is is wildly expensive and getting worse by the second. Let’s see Fascist Inc. control those rates first before we even pretend to believe anything else they say.

FUCK I forgot about those knobs. *face palm*

The oval office desk drawer with the knob for car insurance prices is right under the drawer with the knob for gas prices. It would be easy to lower prices, but Biden just keeps cranking those knobs up. Sad!

Believe me! Tears in the eyes, big man, macho man, I can do it because the insurance companies like me.”

He has no plan at all for how he would do it. Like everything else that comes out of his mouth - it’s a lie.

I’m sure he has concepts of plans for that too.

$800 or else ND.

Based on their business model, I would not trust any decision the brothers Powell made. And this is definitely a case where people’s eyes would glaze over before you finished explaining it at the local show or C&C. Hard ND.

He’s rich, so nothing will happen. If he was a regular person, he’d in sitting in a cell by now. 

“Well, one lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on X.” He later said, “Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text.”

We have concluded our investigation: This man is an idiot 

Musk has a psychotic following which could very well incite someone, somewhere to at least try and follow through. The Feds won’t do anything, but if there is an attempt, I’m sure they’ll be looking even harder.

Honestly, I think this is the best looking version of the Civic available now. The Si is just a hot mess. I also like that the dash — if you squint enough — harkens back to the simplicity of the very first little CVCC models.

I’m gonna say neigh, and because of the interior travesty, this pony needs to be sent to the glue factory.