
I say no emissions regulations for vehicles”

I don’t care what year it is that is too much for a used Corolla.  I understand of all the Corolla’s this is the most collectible but it has 147,000 miles on it and although there’s no visible rust on the outside I think it probably has some somewhere-and that will be it’s downfall.

I mean, politics is inherently full of s—t, but he harks back to real Boss Tweed, PT Barnum-level nonsense. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad, and explains why people lose billions in fraud and scams every year—there really is a sucker born every minute. I always ask people why Trump consistently loses in NY and

The women in his circle the embodiment of the white trash who will vote for him.  

Actually, didn’t care. The point I thought I made was it may have been fairly great in its day, but little more than quaint today.

I just wish the fucker would die already. Heart attack, stage 5 cancer, whatever. He is a sore on America’s ass. And it absolutely blows me away that somehow the race is close? What in the flying fuck is wrong with people? He is the BEST you can do? And its not just him but all of the other crazy people working for

Did you just reference investment? hahahhaa

For nearly 30k I’d want a concours level car. This is not close to that. The seat wear, the double DIN unit (rad 80s stereos are part of the charm!) and there is plastic damage all over the passenger side (UV degradation?). 

Great car.....laughable price.

Don’t buy these deathtraps under any circumstances. They’re unstable, dangerous, and buying one simply funds a fascist oligarch.

Nice car.

If the seller thinks it’s all that and a bag of chips, they should keep it. I doubt anyone else does.

That is a LOT of cabbage for nostalgia. Nostalgia I don’t have.

Is it really that “venerated”?

Those are incredibly modern looking tailights for a 1985 anything. Like a 90s audi or something. Also, almost 30k?! CP

It would be even more fun if it looked stock. Like the old beetle on a 34 ford chassis that used to torment muscle car owners in the Detroit Metro Area...

Lots of people can do a sizable portion of their daily commutes in 21 miles of EV. I do. And then when you’re out of juice, you still have a hybrid that does pretty well in city driving. Highway MPGs tend to be just as lousy as an ICE vehicle, though. 

Sadly, it’s still not the stupidest thing he’s ever done.

Yeah, I would. Violence is the last resort of the incompetent. That you don’t see Democrats calling for assassinations of their political opponents speaks volumes.