
Don’t forget:

No hate, but what else can you add to an interior to make it worth the price they are charging? Crystal knobs? Fiber optic headliner? Cover every surface available in leather from cows that have never touched barbed wire?

It’s only a matter of time. There are no old and bold squids. His clock is ticking.

“Subjectively cool”?

Pretty good looking vehicle, honestly.  Looks very functional.

Agreed.  Seems like foolish oversight to not have physical, mechanical access in the event of an emergency or malfunction.

Every car: electric, hybrid, or ICE, should be legally required to always have at least one 100% mechanical lock and door mechanism.

Just to clarify, the aircraft didn’t likely blow its tires DURING the braking event. Aircraft tires have pressure release plugs that allow a “controlled blowout” if things get too hot. This is to prevent a more violent, catastrophic explosion of the tire which could cause damage to the aircraft both externally, and

“This is in great shape” plus “I have too many projects” = “This is hiding some horrible demon that I can’t cheaply fix and/or a million little gremlins that I don’t feel like fixing. Brush up on your German, because you will definitely need to make friends with an overseas BMW enthusiast group who can help you source

Where in Florida...

How do you not notice the bed is raised? I can tell when I have stuff strapped to the roof of my car, just by the way it handles. How can a driver haul off with their bed up and not notice the truck is handling squirrelly long before it plows into anything.

In this case because the damage, the wheel and surround, is VERY localized it seems unlikely it was cause by collision with a vehicle. It almost looks like a suspension failure and the janky wheel caused the damage while they were coming to a stop.  More interesting to me, at least, is who is fine with just tossing

With this mileage, I’m surprised the Cali sun hasn’t ruined the clear-coat. The rear window in the soft top looks clear and un-yellowed as well. Not sure if it’s original or not though.

A running, driving, stick shift Swedish convertible from the land of no road salt for under four grand?!? NP at his original price, much less five hundred smackers less!!!

If Trump ever drove, I’m sure it’s been at least 50 years.A guy like him would definitely see such a thing as a sign of being low class and a loser. If he weren’t running for president I’m sure he’d proudly say as much. Like the “suckers and losers” who died to defend him and the rest of us. 

I bet even when he drove, he never once drove a truck.

I, too, vote left. I don’t call myself a Democrat - I’m more progressive. More like Bernie type politics. I have never voted GOP in my life, and have been turning a wrench since I got my Kawasaki 90 in 1974. I’m also a veteran, a 19D cav scout active duty for 4 years.

Makes a lot of sense to me for a vehicle where they are expecting the rear seats to be heavily used. Unlock both doors on the side the driver is on first, presumably they have the kids with them and will be loading them in through their side door. Then the lights flashing is a helpful little feature to tell you what

Well friend, here’s the thing - the average conservative supports a rapist, pedo, draft dodging, felonious traitor. They aren’t very smart. They think anything they don’t understand or like, is Woke/Fascist/Socialist/Communist/Marxist at the same time.

Walz seems like a super decent guy. Him getting this far in politics seems quite unusual.